-나만 바라봐- (YoshiKyu)

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*cough cough* I dont speak Korean, OfSeokjin22 helped me on the title :)

It means 'Look only at me' :)


“Hyunsuk hyung!” Junkyu called out as Hyunsuk shot his head towards the younger one. “You sure they’re gonna come this evening?” Junkyu asked sulking. Hyunsuk chuckled, “It’s still afternoon, Junkyu-ya. Don’t worry they are gonna come before it’s night.” Junkyu sighed. It’s been more than three weeks since the Japanese members went to their home and he had been missing them so much.

“But why are you so much eager for them to come though?” Hyunsuk asked munching on a cracker.

Junkyu pouted, “I miss my friends!” He whined.

“Well I’m here with you.” Hyunsuk winked as Junkyu blinked, “That’s why I’m missing them more.”

“Yah!” Hyunsuk acted as he was hurt and Junkyu giggled. “Sorry hyung, I was just teasing you.”

As the playful conversation continued between the two dorm mates, Junkyu lost track of time until his phone rang. He checked the caller id and saw Yedam’s number popping on the phone screen.

“Hyung all 4 of them arrived at Mashiho hyung’s dorm We’re all there.” Junkyu heard Yedam speaking from the other side. Junkyu mouthed an ‘Okay’ before dragging Hyunsuk to Mashiho’s dorm, saying what happened while going there.

He felt really excited just by thinking his friends and his boyfriend are back. They reached there and saw that the door was already opened.

He  entered the dorm and finding Haruto and Asahi, he jumped onto them and hugged them tightly.

“Ruto-ya, Sahi-ya! How have you been?” He asked letting go off them and looking at their faces with the biggest smile ever.

“Calm down Junkyu hyung, we were just fine there.” Haruto chuckled. Junkyu laughed a bit before approaching the others too.

He hugged Yoshi as the latter kissed his hair, unnoticeably to everyone.

Junkyu let go off him and smiled, “Yoshi-ya I missed you!” He said and hugged the other on again. Yoshi chuckled and patted Junkyu’s head saying, “I missed you more, baby.”

Junkyu smiled at the pet name. He indeed missed his boyfriend so much.

“I bought so many gifts for you!” Yoshi excitedly said, holding Junkyu’s shoulder. Junkyu’s eyes sparkled at that as be jumped up and down.

Yoshi giggled and booped the tip of the younger one’s nose.

“I’ll give them to you when we go to our dorm okay?” Yoshi asked as Junkyu agreed letting out a cute ‘Yes!’.

“Wait I still didn’t meet Mashi!” Saying so Junkyu ran to Mashiho’s room, leaving Yoshi at his place while the latter’s smile faltered a bit.

He after a bit entered Mashiho’s room too and saw most of the group were gathered there. Except for the JaeSahi couple of course. Everyone knew about the two members being in a romantic relationship but no one minded or judged them for that. They were living happily like that.

But Junkyu didn’t want to reveal his and Yoshi’s relationship to the group yet and Yoshi respected it.

When Junkyu will be comfortable to claim Yoshi as him to the world, only then Yoshi will let people know Junkyu was his too.

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