-Roommates- (HaJeongwoo)

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Being bored waiting for an unhealthy amount of time, Haruto kept spinning in the chair of his room. His stomach soon made a sound, making him groan. “When will Jeongwoo come?” He muttered.

He was staring off space when he heard the door of their dorm clicking open. He rushed to the door and saw Jeongwoo, his roommate coming in with a plastic bag in his hand. Haruto’s eyes lit up as he saw the plastic bag in his roommate’s hand. Soon the Japanese guy asked, “Did you bring ramyeon for me?” The latter just shook his head as Haruto’s mouth was hung open.

Yes, Jeongwoo and Haruto are roommates. But the thing is their bonding, they don’t get along. They don’t hate each other but Jeongwoo doesn’t seem to behave well with his roommate, Watanabe Haruto.

“I told you that I won’t bring your food.” Jeongwoo said as he was busy making his own ramyeon. Haruto’s eyes showed how he was in disbelief.

“But you could have bought one for me as well.” The shorter one just shrugged. “We have to get along, Park Jeongwoo!” Haruto’s tone showed how frustrated he was. He wants Jeongwoo to treat him as a friend. He wants to get along with the Korean guy. But Jeongwoo on the other hand, just ignores Haruto’s words. He doesn’t want to get along with the Japanese guy. “I don’t want to.” Jeongwoo said before heading to his own room, leaving a mad and frustrated Haruto behind.


Jeongwoo woke up quite late the next day. He was confused. Usually Haruto would play loud music, resulting the shorter one to wake up. Shrugging, Jeongwoo just went to freshen up. After he was done, he came to the dining room and found no trace of the taller male.

The Korean male just continued doing his works but as more time went by he started getting curious and a bit worried. Why is his roommate not coming out of his room? Jeongwoo slowly approached Haruto’s room  and sneakily peeked through the door.  He saw Haruto’s lying figure on his bed, wrapped in a thick blanket. Jeongwoo slowly went towards the bed and saw the Japanese guy all sweaty and red. Jeongwoo put his palm on the said male’s forehead and his eyes widened. Haruto had a really high fever.

Not knowing what to do, Jeongwoo quickly turned on the air con and loosen the blanket a bit from the latter’s grip. Then he soaked a handkerchief in cold water from the sink. Making his way to Haruto’s room again, Jeongwoo placed the wet handkerchief on Haruto’s forehead.

The Korean male went to the kitchen to make Haruto something warm to eat. But he didn’t know how to cook. So he had just one way and that is instant soup. Sighing, Jeongwoo quickly made the soup and rushed to Haruto’s room. “Haruto..Wake up.” He slowly shook Haruto’s body as the said boy slowly opened his eyes. His breath was hot due to the high fever. “What are you doing here?” He asked but his voice was cracked. The Korean boy understood how Haruto was sick.

He didn’t reply to the taller male, rather held a spoon, full of soup in front of his mouth. Haruto’s brows were knitted together as he shot Jeongwoo a confused look.

“You’re sick. I’m feeding you stupid!” Haruto was taken aback even in this condition. But he obeyed the younger one and drank the soup.

The day went like that, Jeongwoo taking care of a sick Haruto. The Japanese male was sick but seeing this side of the shorter one, he wanted to get to know him more. But as Haruto’s health condition improved, Jeongwoo became cold again.

Haruto’s fever lasted just a day thanks to his roommate for taking care of him.
Next day, the Japanese boy woke up at usual time, well that’s what he thought actually. After waking up, he took a look at the alarm clock and his eyes widened. He was late!

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