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"Summer, go back to your seat!" tawag ni kuya sakaniya dahil tumayo siya at balak na sanang mag walk out.

"But, kuya! I don't want to hear her little dramas!" naiiritang sabi niya habang padabog na bumabalik sa upuan niya. I don't know why my tounge suddenly receded because there's no word that's coming out from my mouth

"Alright, we'll just talk about it later after we eat so you can go back to you room"

Busog ako kaya yung mga dessert nalang ang kinain ko pero wala rin akong gana, pinipilit ko lang talaga dahil baka sa'kin naman magalit si kuya. Halata naman din na pinipilit lang ni Summer ubusin yung pag kain niya.

Pag katapos niya kumain ay tumayo na siya kahit na hindi pa tapos kumain si dad kaya, tinawag nalang niya yung mga kasambahay para kuhain na ang mga pinag kainan namin. So direspectful. 

"Why did you show up after disappearing for 2 years?" tanong niya na hindi ko sinagot at patuloy parin na kinakain yung ice cream ko.

"Autumn, I'm asking you! Why are you here?" tanong niya ulit kaya napatingin ako sakaniya.

"Required ba na English din isagot ko, dad?" I joked para naman bumaba yung tension. Siniko ako ni kuya kaya tumingin ako sakaniya "what?" I mouthed, pero umiling lang siya.

"You can choose any language you want" tumango ako at sumagot.

"I'm broke up with my boyfriend, that's why I'm here in New York but I also want to fix my problem with Summer"

"Are you saying that you disappeared because you had a boyfriend?" napa buntong hininga ako sa tanong ni dad.

"No, dad. By the way what's your internet provider here? Ang bagal oh, hindi nag load yung mga pictures" I said while I'm browsing pictures on pinterest.

"Swift fib—" I didn't let him finish his statement "change your internet provider, their service sucks"

"Enough of that. Why did you break up with you boyfriend that we don't even know who?" tumingin ako sakaniya at nilapag ang phone ko sa lamesa so I could focus on our conversation.

"Kelangan ba detailed? Tinatamad ako mag kwento, dad. Basta niloko ako" I laugh with what I said. I know they already have a hint who's my boyfr— ex rather, but they just what to confirm if their guess is correct.

"Winter Pier! Stand up let's kill that son of the owner of Swift fiber. You kill the son I'll kill the father" Dad stood up and get one of his rifle collections.

"Dad, no! I'm fine, okay? Chill!" tumayo kaming tatlo nila mama para paupuin ulit si dad, si kuya naman kinuha sakaniya yung rifle and ammos na hawak niya at binalik ulit sa display. Dad is a huge fan of different guns and swords, in fact if he's the one to choose he wants to name us after guns and swords but them mom doesn't like the idea.

"I disappeared because Summer and I had a huge misunderstanding" I can see a hue of surprise on their faces though they already know that we're not in good terms but they though it only because of our age gap and nothing is really serious 

"What is it?" I took a deep breath, don't know what to say.

"Should I tell them the truth?" bulong ko kay kuya kahit na maski siya hindi rin naman alam yung totoo. "of course!"

"Ma, ano mas masakit, yung totoo or yung hindi?" tanong ko para kung sabihin niyang mas masakit yung katotohanan, edi hindi ako mag sasabi ng totoo.

"of, course the lies" tumango ako bago mag salita "I stay away from you because Summer wants me to" nagulat si mama at naiyak sa sinabi ko kaya naman kinwento ko ang lahat sakanila.

"Call Summer, Winter" agad tumayo si kuya para sundin yung utas ni dad.

"Dad, ma, please don't get mad at her. She's still young she doesn't know what she's doing and that's why I want to talk to her" tumigil na si mama kakaiyak habang si dad ay naka pikit habang naka patong ang ulo sa kamay niyang pinag dudugtong niya.

"What is it?" iritang tanong ni Summer kay daddy.

"Summer, it's daddy you are talking to!" sigaw ni kuya Winter sakaniya.

"Look what you've done, Autumn! We were happy when you're still in the Philippines. We're not even arguing. You always ruin everything!!" tumayo ako dahil nakayuko siya sa'kin. Naiiyak na ako sa sinabi niya pero 'di parin ako sumasagot.

"I think you left your manners in Spain, Summer Talia" halatang nag pipigil na nang inis si Kuya. Tinignan siya ng matalim ni Summer bago ulit mag salita.

"I hope mama didn't give birth to you!!" I slap the hell out of her "I can take that you're not respecting me but don't you ever say that you don't want me to be born! Never ko ngang sinabing sana hindi nalang ako nabuhay ta's sasabihin mo 'yon sakin? Wag kang mag magaling sa kung anong gusto mo sa buhay ko ha!"

"For goodness' sake you are sisters!" sigaw ni kuya sa'min. Hawak hawak ni Summer ang pisngi niya at nag walk out pero hinabol siya ni kuya.

"Why don't you listen to mama, first before over reacting like that?" sabi ni kuya habang hinahatak siya pabalik sa dining area.

"I'm over reacting? You think I'm over reacting?" she said while laughing can't believe that kuya told her, she's over reacting "Ako pa ang OA? Sino ba ang nanampal? Ako ba ha?" Now I can't believe that she's even talking back to kuya.

I can't take it anymore, I'm older so I have the right to tell her what's wrong and right. I can swallow her not respecting me but it's different kung si kuya na yung binabastos niya nang ganyan "Summer mahiya ka naman! Have you forgotten that it's kuya Winter? Sumosobra ka na!" she just glared at me and greeterd her teeth as if she's stopping herself to speak again.

"Summer listen to me" mama said to her in a cold tone and that's not her usual self "fine!" she said and occupy one of the seats here.

"Being an architect is everything for autumn, not until she heard you talking to me. Remember, when I was at the pool area when you were in grade 8 Summer?" she nodded to her.

"You asked me if it's hard to be an architect then I answered you 'not really, as long as you study hard" after that you told me that you want to be an architect. I didn't know that Autumn heard it, then after months your kuya came to me and told me that you want to study college in UST and that he wants Autumn to study there, first to secure that you'll be safe there" I remember that day. Since I heard that she wants to be an architect too, I forget everything about architecture.

"Your ate really wants to go to UP. UP and architecture is everything for Autumn, since she was a child, she works so hard to get accept to UP and to be able to take architecture. And there's this time that I saw her crying in her room while studying so I asked her why and she said 'The band that I really wanted to see is now here in the Philippines and currently having a concert, but I can't come because I have to study for our 3rd quarter exam, ma. I have to get high grades for UP and architecture, I'll risk everything I know that I can because they are my everything. Architecture isn't just a dream to me, ma, it's something I can hold on and I can bring to my grave with me' I still remember what she answered me that time. She doesn't want that you two become an architect since it is possible that there will be comparison in the future and your ate knows that both of you will only get hurt if that thing happened so she gave way for you" kinalimutan ko na lahat yun kagaya nang sabi ko "I can risk everything I know that I can" and I can't risk Summer just for my everything.

I would rather see her paving her way to architecture than seeing how she's struggling because she's being compared to me and vice versa

"If you're saying that Autumn is taking us away from you, you're wrong Summer. When you are sick everyone is taking care of you but when Autumn is sick no one's there for her. She won't go out to her room not until she's okay, malalaman nalang namin na nag kasakit pala siya pag galing niya"

"That's her fault! She's not telling you" she's really have a narrow mind.

"It's our fault, Samsam. Because we didn't even go to check her but when you're the one who's not going out of your room everyone is so worried about you, and to tell you the truth it's your ate who would always ask us why you're not going out, where are you, are you already home or if you have already eaten" at nag walk out si Summer.

The Dawn in Aseana (Dream Chasers Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now