11|| Midnight chat

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Long chapter :')

3rd Person Pov:

Langa slowly drifted in and out of sleep for who knows how long. Something kept him from falling asleep and he had no idea what it was. Normally, Langa was the type of person to fall asleep instantly, as if on command, so this was definitely out of the ordinary. 

After tossing and turning underneath the covers, he knew if he continued he was going to wake up his precious Reki from his sleep, and that would be a shame because he's so pretty when he's sleeping..

His eyelids delicately covered his crimson-crimson colored eyes that Langa fell instantly fell in love with when he saw them. Nothing else is as pretty as his eyes. Well, except Reki of course. 

He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping; like an angel, Langa thought. His eyebrows weren't scowling, his mouth wasn't frowning or downturned. And every once in awhile he would scrunch up his face and nose and show off a silly facial expression that made Langa's mind and heart swirl. 

The bluenette took one last long gaze at the boy laying in front of him, memorizing everything about him. After he was finished, he slid carefully off the bed and lead himself into the kitchen with the thought of making himself tea or something else that would put his mind at ease and help him fall asleep. 

He rubs his eyes with the back of his hand to adjust his eyes to the kitchen lights that were still on. He notices his mom on the couch, assumably with a cup of coffee in between her palms. 

She wasn't watching tv, just sitting there staring at the ground, gradually taking a sip of her coffee every few seconds like she was in some kind of trance. 

"..mom? Why are you up so late?" Langa asks with concern lacing his voice. 

"Huh?" Nanako jumps slightly startled and sets her coffee cup onto the table in front of her and turns around. 

"Sweetie why are you up so late?" 

Langa walks around the couch and plops down onto cushion next to her. He wouldn't be lying if he said he didn't know, because he truly didn't understand why he couldn't fall asleep. 

There'w's no more comfortable place he could be. His boyfriend cuddling into his chest, his arms wrapped around Reki's warm body, their bodies so close together, breathing each other's air.

Literally nothing was comparable. 

"I don't know. I couldn't fall asleep. What about you- why are you up?" Langa asks.

"Oh." she sighs, picking up her cup again and taking a long sip from it, getting ready to tell him the events that went down a few hours ago while Langa and Reki were off doing their thing.  

"I called Reki's mom earlier while you guys were in your room." She pauses and attempts to gulp down the knot in her throat.

"Y-you did? What did she say?" Langa's eyes widen as he crosses his legs over each other and turns his body around so he's facing his mom now. 

Did Reki's mom say something really bad? Bad enough to keep his mom awake? She better not have. Langa didn't know how much more he could handle of Reki's mom being so mean and cruel. 

"At first she was really rude; saying horrible things about Reki and how I shouldn't be telling her how to parent." She shakes her head disappointedly. 

"What did she say about Reki..?" He questions. 

"Just names- she kept calling him names. It was awful. I don't understand how she could say the things she did about her own son. It was truly disheartening." She places a hand on her chest like she was protecting her own heart from shattering. 

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