Chapter 6- Where It All Began

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The song Daniel had just now put on, was like a blast from their past, except they weren't traveling Musicians by any means...'Maybe the musicians had been singing about how their lonely lives on the road were back then?' Johnny pondered as he thought about it. 

'Still, a lot about his and Daniel's past and current lives could be found in what the writers of that song must have been experiencing'...he finally decided.

Plus, it had been one of the many similar type of songs that had been playing on the radio back when they had been on their way to Daniel's, 'Surprise Graduation Gift' weekend.

Funny thing though, back then, even AFTER it had been played, Daniel had pouted so sweetly, Johnny had almost driven them off onto a dusty side road to ravish him, right then, right there, ANY & ALL onlookers be dammed!

Why? Because, LaRusso had wanted to hear it again, only there had been no way for that to happen with a regular car stereo back then. 

But now? 

Especially IF you already have your own Satellite play list? Which of course, just like with his BIG fancy I phone, Daniel already DID, have the Best f the best.

Still, now days? Johnny had been behind the pack at first, but soon, Daniel had him believing in how nowadays?

ANYTHING's Possible...

Johnny had had fun taking the piss outta LaRusso, calling him an 'old Cartoon Character's name' for about a full 5 minutes, until THAT song and the others that had followed started to play...And shut him down fast!   

Johnny turned to look back one last time at where they had just left; and realized, he would always think of it as the place, 

Where it all began...

Things had been said, and done and shared, as they were starting to really open up with and to each other.

And it looked like a different Heaven than what had been their Desert getaway back in the day for that one long and lazy weekend...

And that coupled with their very FIRST time they had gone away from their State or the Beach, to explore with and on each other; together, giving in and touching their bodies to and in and on each other in ways they had NEVER tried before. 

And the very FIRST time, he had gathered up the courage to admit to his then boyfriend, just how much he DID care for and about him...

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