sixteen | the police arrest

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Interviews were easy for me. I smiled, laughed and acted engaged when they asked the same questions as usual. This interview however, was one I never thought I'd have to give. The room I was in was cold with metal seats, a large metal bench and bland cream walls. There was a poster behind the interviewer which I kept staring at, distracted from his questions.

"Sorry, I um.. Thanks Officer, please let me know if I can be of any further assistance," I said softly, wiping under my eyes and being escorted to the waiting room of the police precinct.

Tom picked me up after the officers allowed me to call my agent, publicist and family. He was the only person I wanted to see right now. My hotel room had been broken into whilst I was at a house inspection, my personal belongings rummaged and stolen. My laptop, my jewellery, my Emmy, my god damn underwear - all gone.

I was only staying in the States for two weeks after the awards, looking at properties to buy since selling the one back home. I couldn't find any attachment to it since my break up and was starting to look at settling down in America potentially. I got back to the hotel which was trashed, calling the police instantly.

Tom pulled me into a hug in the waiting room as I stood to thank him, he didn't need to do this for me but I was still in shock.

"Hey, I left as soon as you called, are you okay?" He asked, my head against his shoulder and shaking my head as I began to cry again.

"Stay at my place, you'll be safer. Haz and I won't leave you out of our sight and you can crash as long as you need to okay?" He continued, letting me collect the rest of my things in my suitcase which the police had DNA tested.

I felt helpless, majority of my things gone, and the remainder meaning nothing. My laptop was what I was most upset about. It had scripts, screen tests, audition tapes, my calendar and itineraries - everything. It had my iCloud linked, it had all of my contacts and messages. It had my private messages, my private photos.

My private photos with Tom. Fuck.

I stopped Tom before we got to the door, telling him that there was a possibility they could hack into my iCloud and retrieve these somewhat sexual messages. He played it so calm and collected, telling me it would be fine and that the Police would restrict as much as they could.

As Los Angeles Police stations often do, there was a paparazzi waiting outside, waiting for any type of gossip he could get; taking photos as Tom walked in front of me, both of our heads down. He opened the car door for me and we escaped quickly.

By the time we had gotten back to Tom's house, Haz had made three cups of tea for us and hugged me. I'd gotten to know him well since meeting him, it made sense why he and Tom lived together; he was great to be around. It was late and I couldn't stop my mind from racing, terrified of what could possibly happen.

It wasn't long before the internet had caught wind of the photos from the police station. Reports were falsifying the story enormously.

'Tom Holland arrested over illicit drug charges'

'Y/N beaten by ex-boyfriend; Tom to the rescue'

'Holland and L/N drunk driving in Los Angeles'

It did my head in, seeing all of these reports completely chasing clout, tarnishing our reputations and mostly just worrying our fans. I opened my Instagram and decided to go live, something I rarely did but wanted to clear this up myself before it got out of hand.

"Hey guys. Like a lot of you right now, I am deeply confused and disappointed in the reports coming out about the police station incident. I did not get arrested, I was not beaten, I was not charged. I did however, have my hotel room broken into and many of my personal belongings stolen. Tom was kind enough to pick me up and he too was not arrested, beaten or charged with any crimes. I'd like to request privacy in these times as the incident has been utterly shocking to me, and quite frankly I'm terrified of the people who have done this. Like always, I thank you all for your endless support and love, thankyou"

I sighed, locking my phone and lying on Tom's couch, looking at the two men sipping their small cups of tea.

"Thanks for letting me stay here again, I would be doing more house inspections this week but they robbers have my entire itinerary and I just feel unsafe going anywhere they know I'll be," I said softly, taking my tea cup from Haz and smiling.

"Stay as long as you need Y/N, I don't want you in any harm or danger. And trust me, you'll have at least one of us with you here in the house. Fuck, and my family are still in Los Angeles too so I'm more than sure any of the boys will be happy to chill with you tomorrow if you need it," Tom assured me.

Haz interrupted, starting talk about flying home before Tom looked at him as if to say 'not now'.

"Y-you guys are flying back home, I completely forgot. When?" I asked, putting my cup down on the coffee table in front of us.

"We um, we were going the night after tomorrow but I can stay here and keep you company until you're feeling better Y/N, honestly," Tom panicked, seeing my probably worried face.

"What if you just come with us? Like you're here all the time anyway and being in London might make you feel safer being away from these guys," Haz said with his mouth half full with his biscuit he'd dunked into the tea.

"I mean, it's not a horrible idea. I'd be more than happy with you living with us and showing you around. We can do little trips to France or Italy too if you'd like, just completely escape all of this," Tom added, almost giddy and excited by the idea.

I nodded as soon as they had suggested it, desperate to not be around all of this and feel like I had some sort of base again. I had no house back home, no house here and was scared to even be alone right now.

"I-I'd love to, honestly that sounds amazing.. But are you sure? Like gate crashing your house," I asked, making sure that this crazy last minute decision wasn't just the two boys trying to make me feel better.

They both were almost over the top with their assurances, telling me that they wanted me to come regardless and starting to come up with ideas and activities they'd want to show me. I smiled, leaning down and resting my head in Tom's lap as he and Haz debated on where they would take me first; me never have been to the United Kingdom before. He stroked my hair softly as he argued with Harrison over who would sit at the window seat on the plane - they're like children sometimes, but I already felt safe and at home with them.

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