fortyone | the dog sitter

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Google told me that a tooth extraction was relatively easy. Google told me that I'd be off heavy painkillers in a day. Google told me I'd be able to speak normally.

Google lied.

I woke up the day after surgery in an immense amount of pain, Y/N by my side holding out a tablet and a glass of water like the absolute angel she is. Turns out that the tooth I cracked in half had some weird roots or something and it ended up being more difficult than they expected.

That's the bad news.

Y/N had postponed our flight home for an extra few days because the doctors advised not to travel in case of altercations. Again, being the bloody angel, she got that lifted by other doctors and we were able to fly back to New York the day after my surgery.

That's the good news.

Now, I'm lying across Robert Downey Jr's couch with an ice pack pressed to my jaw and flicking through his Netflix as Y/N shows him photos from our trip. We'd left our dog with him whilst we travelled and were now picking the little man up, luckily his excited ass was outside with everyone whilst I died on the couch.

"Snacks anyone?" Robert offered coming back inside, heading to the kitchen and raiding the cupboards. He turned to me holding up a small flat packet and shook it.

"Microwaveable Popcorn Tom?" He grinned, tossing it back into the pantry and rejoining us in the living room. He pushed my legs to the side to make room to sit, Y/N just sitting on the arm of the couch above my head.

"So let me get this straight, you just bit on a popcorn kernel weirdly and cracked the whole damn thing in half? That's wild," he laughed, mocking me for ending up in hospital from something so mundane and trivial.

We had a good relationship RDJ and I. It was full of banger and mentoring. I could come to him about anything, whether it be asking for future girl help or boasting about the girl I had already gotten. Or how to apply for a bank loan or roll the perfect joint for whenever Chris Evans asked for one.

He was almost offended when he found out about Y/N via social media and not from me personally. I guess because it was such an unorthodox way how our relationship started, I kind of forgot to mention it. It's not like I'd message him like 'hey man I'm fucking my colleague and we don't talk about dating but I called her my girlfriend and we're just going along with it and now we live together'.

"He was such a fucking moron on the anaesthetic though, he was on a completely different planet," Y/N said laughing at me, prompting me to groan in embarrassment. She had mentioned I'd said a few things here and there but I knew she was holding back.

"Do tell, I'd love to see what goes on in this kids head," RDJ laughed, leaning against the couch and smirking at me. He knew I was about to get roasted.

"Well for starters he live-streamed as soon as I picked him up. Then he told thousands of people online about his blowjobs," She shrugged.

Jesus fucking Christ Thomas get your shit together.

"Seriously? Darling I'm so sorry," I apologised, covering my face which was now screwed up.

"And you told me back at the hotel that you wanted to live in avocado tree with Robert and I so that we could eat smashed avocado toast forever," she continued.

At this stage RDJ was pissing himself laughing, almost wiping the tears from his face at how nonsensical I had been under the effects of anaesthesia.

"But he was cute. He talked about marrying me even though we are way too young and he said he'd wait forever," she smiled, looking down at me and running her hand through my hair.

Alright Tom, you've redeemed yourself for that one.

"You tow kids have barely lived yet. Go and travel the world and have wild sex parties and meet exotic people before you get married," RDJ chuckled, causing Y/N and I to squint at him.

"You've been to wild sex parties?" I questioned. He reminded me about his troubled past with drug use and almost falling out of the Hollywood spotlight, probably before I was even born. He swiftly moved on, always open about that period of his life but quick to change the subject.

"You have fun with our baby Arlo though?" I asked, patting the dogs head as he sat on the ground next to me. He really was the most stunning little man.

"When he didn't shit all over my backyard, yeah he was a delight to have around. The kids loved him, made them go outside and run around like the old days," he joked, winking at the dog as if he could understand.

We took Arlo home and finally relaxed. Being home was a relief. I still couldn't really wrap my head around the fact that America was now my new home, let alone New York in particular. I'd slowly started incorporating my style and design into the home, making it more our home than hers. We had family photos from both of our sides on the walls now, both of our Emmy's sat next to each other in a cabinet and both of us had matching blankets for the couch.

It was perfect.
Everything about my life was perfect right now.

Except the dental work and mouth pain.
That fucking sucks.

(A/N: Hello my darlings! I just wanted to say a quick thankyou to everyone reading this, and that I love you all. Hitting 20k on this book literally is insane to me. I can't believe anyone even likes this lmao. Also wanted to let everyone know I'm continuing Web of Lies! I know I started a sequel but I realised h the e original was kinda short and just added those chapters into it. But I'm still writing new chapters! I hope y'all don't get confused I'm sorry! Xoxo)

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