thirty | the stunt scene

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I felt like I had only just managed to fall asleep from the pounding headache I had gotten from set. To catch you up to speed, I had been choreographing a fight scene for about two days straight and about two takes into filming it, I got my timing wrong and got smacked in the face with Timmy's prop gun.

In the scene his character Emilio hits Stella in the face with his gun and from the angle of the camera, it's supposed to look real. Except this take, it was real. My nose bled consistently for about twenty minutes as Timothee apologised profusely over and over again. Tom wasn't called to set for about three hours so he was at home.

Until he woke me up in the cast dressing room pointing his phone in my face live-streaming my bruised face to his Instagram followers. I whined, covering my face and telling him to fuck off, rolling onto my side. My eye had already started to bruise and the first aides on site had given me codeine and an ice pack for the pain. Pretty strong shit.

"Aw darling, what did Timmy do to your pretty face?" He asked sitting on the end of the couch and holding back a laugh.

"You're the shittest boyfriend ever," I groaned, giving him the finger and pulling the blanket over my head.

"Oh, well that just ruined all the surprise now didn't it?" He frowned, looking into his phone camera and shrugging. "We literally hadn't said that until maybe three days ago so like, don't freak out guys," Tom continued to the camera.

It wasn't anything official I guess, he just said to his mum that I was his girlfriend on the phone the other day and we kind of just went along with it. It wasn't like he asked to be boyfriend and girlfriend like we were high school sweethearts in a movie.

"Tom do we really need to be live-streaming me whilst I'm swollen and ugly," I said sitting up and leaning my head on his shoulder, the blanket wrapped around me like a babushka doll.

"I just wanted to make sure that as many people could embarrass you as possible... I already showed them the footage of it happening from Sam's laptop," he laughed.

"I hate you," I frowned, looking at myself in the phone screen noticing the swelling was going down with the ice but the bruising was still evident.

"Shut up you love me," he taunted, ending the live stream and kissing my forehead. Gently he brushed his thumb under my eye, asking me if it hurt.

"Press any harder and it will, but when you touch it softly it doesn't... It'll be fine by tomorrow, just need to ice it more," I sighed.

"But what about drinks tonight?" Tom asked, pouting at me and referring to Sam's belated birthday event. We'd all rented a bar in New York and were flying later this afternoon, Tom staying with me in my apartment as we spent the weekend.

"I'll be fine by then, I'll sleep on the plane and put heaps of concealer on it. I thought you didn't want to go tonight anyway because Jacob and Zendaya were going?" I asked, looking in the mirror at my painful nose.

"Daya and I shot a movie together after she cheated, I can deal with her. I just don't want to see that lanky prick flirt with you," he scoffed, already working himself up over the fact Jacob had almost stopped us getting back together after the whole voicemail mishap.

Sam was well and truly drunk by the time we got to the bar, me taking a meticulously long time on my makeup to cover any signs of my accident this morning. I was exhausted, filming from five in the morning, being hit, flying to New York, and now having to party.

Timmy shoved his drink into Tom's hand telling him to catch up as everyone was well and truly wasted. Zendaya rarely drank, but we could tell tonight Sam had asked her to since he was the birthday boy. She skipped up to us, giving Tom a quick hug before pouncing on me and swaying side to side in a hug.

"Oh my god I missed you Y/N, the last time you were in New York I swear was the best night," she said giggling, complimenting my outfit and sitting back down.

Tom looked at me with a raised eyebrow, not attending the last time we went out in New York and not knowing all of the drunken shenanigans that went down.

Shot after shot, drink after drink we ended up in Sam's loft apartment - I didn't expect any less of an eclectic and trendy place for him to live. The ceilings were enormously high, the furniture curated perfectly and the views were phenomenal. The painkillers I were on made the alcohol heightened but with the amount of drugs people were doing and the amount of alcohol consumed, I blended in.

None of us younger actors properly went to college or University, so we pretty much partied like twenty year olds still, playing dumb drinking games all night. In this case, we were on the ground in a circle, Timmy deciding to stir up some drama.

"Okay fine Y/N, dare you to hook up with the hottest person here," Timothee laughed, looking at Tom who was coincidentally sitting cross legged next to Jacob. I was well and truly smashed by this point, the glass bottle in the middle of our circle pointing to me.

"Dude thats such a waste of a question, she's literally dating Tom," Jacob huffed, taking a sip of his drink.

"Yeah and that means she's not an option for you," Tom snapped back, the circle cooing jokingly as they interpreted it as banter. Tom was serious though.

I giggled and leant the opposite way, cupping Daya's face and pulling her into a kiss. It was purely drunken fun, for the sake of the game and ere was no denying she was insanely gorgeous. Timothee cheered loudly in the background as both of us girls swiftly added tongue and gave the group a bit of a show.

"This is what drinking games are supposed to be! Give me the fucking drama," Timothee laughed, both of us pulling away as I looked at Tom who was rightfully shocked.

"My ex girlfriend and my current girlfriend... Why aren't I mad at this?" Tom laughed, taking a swig of his drink as I sat back next to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"You promise you're not mad?" I whispered, the next person in the circle spinning the glass in the middle. I rubbed my nose gently, it still sore from today and that impromptu make out didn't help.

"Not going to lie, as much as I can barely tolerate being around her, it was hot," he whispered back, giving me a quick peck and turning his attention back to the middle.

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