fortytwo | the public screaming

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"Take this seriously Tom! You're the worst person to run lines with," I huffed, hitting Tom's arm with my rolled up audition script. My agent had sent through a several pages from a scene in a new Guy Ritchie movie. Literally my favourite director.

"It's not my fault your English accent sounds like you're having a stroke," he taunted back, imitating what I thought was a pretty good accent. He grinned at me as I covered my face with the papers, groaning from the pressure.

I'd had several auditions already, three via video calls, two in person and now it was the final stage. The movie was quite secretive, I'd only had access to two short scenes for my prior auditions; only getting a full scene for the face to face screen tests. I barely knew what the film was about but I'd play a fucking tree if it meant being cast in a Ritchie film.

My last audition was over a week ago, the casting director telling me they'd call with the next steps if I was successful. That was always the worst feeling about auditions. You went in nervous, you came out even worse.

Tom was already cast in another Spider-Man which surprised both of us alongside the rest of the whole world. His initial contract was for three movies and any subsequent group films like The Avengers. Yet Marvel decided to make a fourth film here in New York; convenient.

They hadn't started filming nor had Tom received a script but casting rumours were flying around the internet. He'd messaged Jacob and Zendaya when his agent contacted him, making sure they were both in this one. They both acted coy, not revealing anything because they knew Tom always spoiled plots.

And he did.

During Pursuit of Satisfaction, Sam literally signed nondisclosure forms with every single interviewer that we weren't allowed to do any live interviews until the show was released. I think we may have only two live interviews and Tom managed to let something slip in both of them.

"Darling, just relax for a bit, you've been reading the same scenes over and over again. You're going to go insane if you don't just let it go," he whined, bored of my excessive nature to over-rehearse.

"Can we talk Arlo for a walk? Clear my head a bit?" I asked, looking at the now awake dog who'd cocked his head to the side as soon as he heard 'walk'.

We were a few blocks from Central Park, the sun shining down on us as Arlo tugged on his leash. Tom always took the dog for his morning runs so they had their own special bond.

I found a stray tennis ball on the ground of one of the fields, shaking it to excite Arlo as Tom pulled out his phone. I threw the ball for him as he sprinted through the grass, tumbling over his feet as he leant down to pick the ball up in his jaw.

I crouched down to call him back, watching the excited boy run back over to me, discard the ball completely and tackle me with love. I fell onto my back, flat on the grass rumbling with Arlo.

I noticed Tom filming at this point, laughing at us both as I rubbed either side of the dogs face and smiled at Tom. I jumped back up to see what he was posting on his story.

tomholland2013: my boy is stealing my girl

I chuckled as Tom attached Arlo's leash to his collar again, us getting closer to more children in a popular area of the park. Central Park was insane to both of us as non-locals; it was never ending I swear.

Two girls who were 'exercising' in the park noticed both of us and 'discreetly' made their way over to us. It was funny because I'd noticed them lying on yoga mats on their phones and taking photos. They were also in head to toe Lululemon and full faces of makeup that had not a drop of sweat. They looked better than I did right now.

They took photos of us 'discreetly' on the walk over to us, interrupting our conversation to ask for a photo. Tom and I aren't assholes, so we said yes. Each of the girls stood on either side of Tom and I, Arlo featuring in the middle as a passerby offered to hold the phone.

"Say swear. You guys are like, such a fucking vibe," one of the girls said chewing her gum with her mouth open, the other girl telling us to follow her on Instagram.

"Thankyou?" Tom said back to them as we said goodbye and kept walking with Arlo.

"We're a fucking vibe," I imitated, giggling at the wannabe Kardashian we'd just met.

"What does 'say swear' even mean?" Tom asked, looking at my butt as the phone in my pocket started ringing.

"Eyes up here Holland," I scoffed, pulling the phone from my lower back pocket.

"They shouldn't make pockets in those stupid gym leggings above your ass then," he shrugged.

"Hello this is Y/N speaking," I answered, being met with none other than Guy Ritchie himself offering me the role. I was frozen, listening to him tell me he loved all of my audition tapes and that the casting directors quote on quote 'couldn't imagine anybody else' in the role. He told me my agency would email through the details, congratulated me once more and hung up.

I screamed.

I screamed in the middle of Central Park like a god damn maniac.

"You got it?!" Tom exclaimed, putting his arms out as I jumped up and hugged him, wrapping my legs around his waist smiling. He spun us around excitedly, tangling Arlo's leash around his legs.

"I-I can't believe it! I thought I was going to have to do another audition b-but they said they loved me!" I squealed, my eyes now watering before Tom kissed me and put me back on the ground.

"Of course they loved you darling, what's not to love?" He smiled, putting his arm around me and hugging me again from the side.

"I'm so proud of you Y/N," he continued, kissing my temple and smiling.

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