twentytwo | the jealous type

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We all slept in for hours after last night; hungover, exhausted and dehydrated. Haz came into Tom and I's room falling in the middle of us with Timmy groaning at the door. Eventually, all four of us were in the bed with Tom and I on the very edges. It was like when you have pets that share the bed but these were fully grown men.

"I had an idea on how to make the nude leak funny. You know how people ignore their leaks and it just gets suspicious? So I thought, you guys could just recreate the doggy style photo but like humorously. Like, one you can wear superhero outfits and one is reversed and one is just like Tom and Haz," Timmy said pulling the covers up over them all.

I looked over at Tom, it's actually not a bad idea. I raised my eyebrows at him and he nodded back.

"I reckon that's hilarious, I've got one of my old Spider-Man suits at home so when we fly back we can do it for sure," he said sitting up.

"We should get shitty dupe costumes from a cheap costume store or something, can I be Spider-Man though?" I suggested laughing.

"Only if I can be Black Widow, I'd be bloody sexy in that outfit," Tom smiled.

We basically went shopping as soon as we got back to London, dumping our bags home and going almost instantly. We came back home and Harry welcomed us back, opened his bedroom door and a dog sprinted out frantically.

"Tessa! Come to Daddy, aw I missed you!" Tom called out, crouching down and hugging the excitable dog wagging her tail excessively as he rubbed either side of her body.

"Mum and Dad let me dog-sit whilst you guys were gone to 'keep me company'," Harry said smiling.

Tom laid on the ground for probably twenty minutes straight with his family dog before she had fallen asleep and he came into the bedroom where Haz and I were explaining our master plan to Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes and left the room saying he didn't want to be apart of it. We took heaps of photos, taking the piss out of ourselves. It's true, the photos were out there and there wasn't much we could do damage control wise with our agents. We couldn't blame photoshop, we couldn't blame publicity stunts; we may as well laugh at it.

I posted first on Instagram, a photo where I was wearing Tom's clothes and he was wearing mine, gripping his hips as he arched his back and pretended to take it from behind.

Y/N L/N: the real scandal is here ladies and gents

Tom posted about ten minutes after I did; a photo where he was behind me and wearing a black widow costume, a wig and everything whilst I wore a Spider-Man suit.

tomholland2013: secret outtakes from endgame

And finally, Haz posted to join into the whole charade. He posted one of him and Tom reverting the leaked photo, both in their underwear. Honestly I struggled to actually take the photo because I was laughing so much. We all thought this was way funnier than it probably was but we always did shit like this to stir up the internet - it was amusing.

hazosterfield: he's actually a pretty bad root

We ordered food in that night and watched a movie on the floor with Harry and Tessa. Since joining this household even temporarily, I'd had to adjust to the boys' weird rituals and routines; this one being that they always alternate who picks the movie each time and you have to watch it.

Other routines included the whack in the balls after loud sex, alternating who makes cups of teas for the house, never using someone else's favourite mug and always groaning really loudly and dramatically whenever Tom mentioned the fact that he was Spider-Man. It was fun.

Tom had picked my recent movie which was released on Netflix this morning, he'd written it on the house calendar and made sure that his rostered movie picking night landed tonight. I groaned, hating watching my work around other people, but the rule was that you have to watch whatever people pick.

"You didn't tell me Jacob fucking Elordi was in this," Tom frowned, his voice muffled from the mouthful of Thai noodles he was gripping with his chopsticks.

"If I recall, we didn't really speak to each other during our break when I filmed this," I shrugged, knowing he didn't like Jacob from the whole Zendaya cheating on him thing.

"Tom blocked him on everything," Harry said laughing, reaching over the shared plastic containers on the floor to grab a dumpling.

"I just don't want to see his dumb head everywhere I go, seeing him at red carpets is already enough for me," Tom responded snarkily, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Is that cos you feel like a midget next to him?" Haz joked. Tom then paused the movie, apologised for pausing it and then excused himself for a second so he could hit his best friend before resuming the film.

"Do you end up kissing him? Does your character like his character? I don't like his character already he seems like a prick," Tom said not even ten minutes into the film, Haz and Harry glaring at him as I rolled my eyes.

"Just fucking shut up and watch, thank god this isn't a cinema you're like a five year old," I sighed, stabbing one of his dumplings with my chopstick and eating it.

The movie was funny, a refreshing change from doing such heavy scenes in Pursuit of Satisfaction. The boys laughed throughout the film too, Tom scoffing whenever Jacob's character flirted with my character. The movie had only one kiss in it, a bit of a make out session on a bed before the camera panned away. Tom asked if we could fast forward. We all said 'no' in unison.

We told the boys goodnight, Tom said goodnight to Tessa for about ten minutes whilst rubbing her belly and telling her how good she was, then we went to our room. I was rubbing in my Moisturizer when Tom was in bed on his phone.

"Did Jacob mention me?" He asked, looking if up at me with his little puppy dog eyes but sounding bitter and snarky.

"Just asked how the show was going, asked if I was dating you, I said no, the normal stuff for co-stars to bring up I guess?" I said joining him in bed.

"Is he a good kisser?" He scoffed. I couldn't tell if he was testing me with a trick question.

"Was I a good kisser on set after two hours of the same scene? No. Nobody is good at kissing when you're acting, everyone has dry mouths and numb faces," I laughed, knowing Tom got jealous easily.

"I'm better though right?" He said bluntly, leaning in to kiss me and me pulling away before he could.

"I think you'll have to remind me," I smirked, kissing him and pulling him down onto the bed.

Tom always says hate sex is the best sex. I disagree.

Jealous sex is the best sex.

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