Xander's POV:
I kept my eyes on the back of her head as she stepped into my room, stopping for a moment right where the door was, setting my hand on the doorframe.
Was I really about to do this?
I felt my claws steadily extend involuntarily as my nerves began to build, guilt already taking its course.
Then it showed itself as a tightening pain in my body once I heard a familiar gasp.
I looked over towards her right as she turned her head from Khloe to me from her cage.
Surprisingly the way she looked at me wasn't full of anger, but full of panic instead.
I think it caused my hardened exterior to crack for just a moment.
I worried for a moment that she'd try to stop me.
By the look in her eyes, she knew what was happening, and I honestly had no idea what I'd do if she tried to intervene.
I needed to get this done, and preferably as quickly as possible.
So, sending her a stern look, trying to get across the message for her to stay there, I stepped in and closed the door.
There was just the faintest bit of moonlight peeking through the window, but even that wouldn't be enough for these girls to see that much.
If anything, I just didn't want Doe to see this.
Shaking my head, I took a few steps forward, readying myself as the person Khloe knew me as.
The blood-crazed, sadistic vampire.
The vampire addicted to fresh blood, and whose pet is currently unavailable...
Don't think about it. Don't think about it, just get it over with.
I slipped my clawed hands into my pockets, forcing my lips to raise as Khloe slowly turned towards me.
It seemed we both knew what was about to happen
"You know Khloe," The words came smoothly from my mouth, despite how fast my heart was racing, "I never really understood what vampires should have to drink blood from a glass when we have perfectly capable humans living in our presence."
She matched me as I took a slow step towards her, keeping our distance the same as it was.
Her audible breaths shook just about as much as she did.
I wouldn't let myself use my senses to find anything beyond that, in fear that that knowledge would cause me to stop entirely.
Stop thinking about it!
My fingers twitched within my pockets, my claws refusing to retract no matter what I tried.
It was like my body was mistaken the panic I was feeling for danger.
I couldn't imagine most vampires panicked for any other reason.
"It's always seemed like a lost cause to me you know? I mean why should we drink garbage when we could feel the rush of something alive every time?"
My chest was getting heavier by the second, but I forced myself to continue and carry myself with confidence.
"But, I guess it makes some sort of sense. I guess not being able to drink from my own pet has enlightened me on that," I added a slight laugh," it still tastes like trash though."
The girl gasped as soon as her backward steps lead her right into my bed.
She was trapped and she knew it, her figure practically shrinking as I closed in the remaining space.

VampireIn this life, a human without the money to pay for their own life is worth nothing. Take those humans in as property, breed them, and you'll end up like one of me. One of us. Pets. Born and trained to serve our Masters once the day comes that we h...