Chapter 48

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Doe's POV:

I lifted one leg straight out into the light, soft falling snow, keeping my other one down against the outside wall.

And leaning back against the hands that were placed down behind me as a safety precaution, watching the small flakes stick to the fabric of my pants and socks.

The light from the inside illuminated the snow against the darkened night sky.

Usually, on nights like this, you could see the stars, but the snow will have to do for now.

I took in a deep breath, welcoming the sensation of the cold air in my lungs.

Now that I actually had a place to warm up once needed it...

I rolled my eyes at my own stupidity from a few days back, switching my legs positions.

I'm just glad that experience didn't completely shatter my overall liking of the cold.

"Remind me again why you enjoy this?" Xander spoke from behind me.

I turned my head to face him.

He was laying on the couch facing the window, one hand holding a book open from the top, while he propped his head up with the other one.

"It's relaxing," was all I answered.

Mostly because that was the only answer that I had.

It went deeper than just that, but I didn't know how to entirely explain it.

It just appealed to me in a way.

"It's like fourteen degrees out there," he spoke as if trying to disagree with me.

I just blinked at him with raised brows and a blank expression on my lips.

"Okay? And it's like seventy degrees in here. Don't tell me you're getting cold all the way over there."

"A little, but that's not the point. I'm just curious is all," he shrugged, shutting the book and setting it down on his chest, "Though watching you sit like that stresses me out."

I almost retorted with the fact that I wasn't a five-year-old in need of constant supervision, but came up with something more devious instead.

"What? Like this?" I questioned innocently sliding the hands that were supporting me back, and following through with my back until I was laying down completely, head hanging off of it to look at him from my now upside-down position.

I even idly kicked the legs that were outside and crossed my arms behind my dangling head for added effect.

Half in and half out.

Well, I'm fairly sure my legs were longer than the rest of me, so maybe not.

"Yes like that!" He spoke, scrambling into an attentive sitting position.

The book ended up somewhere on the side of the couch.

I snickered at his dramatic reaction.

"I already told you that I was serious about giving me a heart attack," he lectured.

"Vampire's don't get heart attacks," I responded with an obnoxious cheeky smile.

One that I had learned from him.

He huffed, disgruntled by my factual reply.

"Probably because none of them-" He paused and turned, the sound of the ringing phone turning his attention.

He didn't pay it any more mind than just that single glance, turning back to me and continuing his sentence.

"-have had a reason to worry."

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