Doe's POV:
He lead me down a corridor that I hadn't seen the previous time I was here, muttering something about humans and their inability to follow rules. Aswell the nerve they gain while being away from their masters.
I didn't pay too much attention to his voice after that, the thrumming in my ears keeping most of my focus.
The partial relief that I pulled off my lie had cleared enough room in my brain for more of that fear rooted in the unfamiliarity of what was going to happen to me.
As well as the alarms blaring throughout my nerves at his touch
I'd only heard stories about what kind of punishments they dished out here by eavesdropping on the other girls.
Apparently, it varied depending on the vampire who got put on watch at the time.
I've heard many things from getting fed from, whipped, beaten, or something else creative the vampire would come up with.
They didn't have many staff rules here...
Some even mentioned it including... sexual ordeals.
Which, even though that was the specialty from the shop I grew up in, wasn't something I wished to put to use now.
I tried to steal a peek upwards towards his face for some sort of sign pointing one way or the other but instead found myself stumbling as he abruptly turned into a dark room.
Widening my stance, I miraculously managed not to fall.
His hand finally got off of me to shut the door, promptly flicking on the light switch.
Bleach stung my nose equally as fast, the brighter light mixed with the white tile floors forced my eyes to squint.
The vampire trudged past me with an annoyed sigh, bringing my attention to what this room contained as he walked further away.
At first glance, the small room almost looked baren, save for a metal hook nailed into the opposing wall. A wide array of whips, crops, and other leather implements I didn't recognize the use for being hung on either side of it
That was it.
The interior was as simple and straightforward as it could be. Leaving me to believe that this was all the room got used for.
My fate was the whip.
Which wasn't the best but not the worst.
I tried repeating that, using it in whatever way I could to mask the fear out of habit.
I'd only been whipped once, and it was undoubtedly one of my more painful experiences.
It had to have only been a month after I had been purchased that Layla decided to take some of her twisted anger out on me in that way with the whip I believed just came with every room.
I just remember feeling like my skin was burning before blacking out, only to come to when Xander was carrying my shredded body to his brother.
Since it was so soon after that had all began Nico didn't yet have the wide array of medical supplies just sitting around in his room like he does now.
He stitched me up while I was fully conscious, and without anything to numb it.
I never saw another whip in Xander's room after that, much to Layla's constant disproval.
But...this probably shouldn't be as bad right? Or nearly as much?
I hoped so, and hope was all I could do because Xander wasn't here to get me out of this.

VampireIn this life, a human without the money to pay for their own life is worth nothing. Take those humans in as property, breed them, and you'll end up like one of me. One of us. Pets. Born and trained to serve our Masters once the day comes that we h...