Chapter 80

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Xander's POV:

My nerves had been churning in my stomach ever since I woke up.

Half of which was on Doe's behalf, that ever-present uneasy feeling from her absence, and the other was over what I needed to get done tonight.

Or in five-ish minutes.

At 6:50 pm, it felt like a decent enough time to go and ask him for drinks.

That guilt-ridden lump had made itself at home in my throat and my heartbeat was already overreacting.

He was going to sense this nervousness the second he answered the door.

If he opens the door.

I cleared my throat in a futile attempt in getting that lump to go away and stray away from those types of thoughts.

My clothes gave off the vibe of 'formal, but not too out of character' so I wouldn't appear... suspicious just showing up like this.

God, I'm overthinking this arent I?

It's just Nico. The dude I've known since I was born.

My brother.

Now I've just gotta confess and explain all of it while trying not to have a complete breakdown in public.

Easy peasy...

It won't be long now until I figure out whether or not I actually believed that.

I forced myself out the door after finalizing my look, every symptom prior amplifying as I got closer and closer.

Ignoring the doubts and panicking over what I'd do if he refused wasn't working anymore.

He'd spoken to me differently at the ball... he had to have known that something was up.

Even if he doesn't show anything or say it, I'd like to think that even after all I put him through, he still cared enough to pay attention to those sorts of things.

To me.

I did tell him that I'd talk to him later at the ball.

I paused in front of the door, just the sight of it instantly making all the pent-up regret and guilt show itself in full force.

Maybe doing this in public wasn't the greatest idea...

But I didn't have any other plan.

I knocked the way I always did, leaving him no question as to who was at his door.

On instincts, I felt myself straighten, ready to portray myself as the upbeat and confident person I'd shown myself as of late to him.

No. No more of that.

I dropped it just in time for Nico to open the door.

He looked to be in a somewhat decent mood.

"What's up?" He spoke first, the look in his eyes losing a hint of its edge.

That's a good sign.

Now I just had to...

"Do you wanna um," Just talk, he's your brother for crying out loud, "come get a drink with me or something?"

I could still feel myself bracing for the denial that hadn't happened yet.

His brows rose for half a second before they furrowed, eyes narrowing with them.

Was it skepticism? Uncertainty?

If it was, I couldn't blame him.

Sweat was beginning to coat my hands at the silence that felt just a bit too long.

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