When I used to imagine what my first time being fed from would be like, I imagined it as being many things.
Although I quickly realized that I had underestimated many of it.
I thought it was going to be painful but not painful enough so to make my body to seize up and scream in pain. Terrifying but not terrifying enough for the thought of dying to cross my mind.
Panic seemed to do a lot to the brain in this kind of situation.
I thought many things about this moment, most of which came true.
Yet out of all these thoughts, none of them ever would have expected how short the process was.
I always imagined the process taking at least two minutes, the max depending on the sadist nature of whichever vampire decided to make me theirs.
And judging by many of the vampires I've interacted with before, I imagined that sadistic nature to be all-around high.
But I couldn't have been more wrong.
His fangs were out of my neck in what I could only calculate as barely twenty seconds.
Which still felt like an eternity, but an eternity that I wouldn't lose my life to.
A whimper fell from my lips as his fangs left my skin, releasing every hold he had on me
I dared to meet his eye through my tears as he leaned back, his newly crimson eyes shining through the dark, looking me over.
He swallowed what I could only assume to be my blood, running his tongue over his fangs before looking me over.
He may have been done feeding from me but I was still very far from calming down.
"Not bad," He commented, "Sweeter than I would have hoped, but she likes blood on the sweeter side."
"As for your performance, you like to fight a bit before you resort to begging. Keep that up and you might live to see the next year. She hates it when her pets are boring." He spoke like he was giving me genuine advice.
Her pets?
My confusion must have been evident on my face, judging by the half-smile from the vampire above me.
"You heard right, little Doe. I bought you as a gift," He explained, licking his thumb before holding it against the mark he made in my skin, "I don't know what the hell to do with a pet."
I flinched as the contact before I could even react to his words.
The words that somehow made me even more uneasy.
"I just had to," He paused, looking for the right word, "test you," He settled with.
He pulled his thumb back before slowly sliding it against his bottom lip, his tongue peeking out to claim the small amount of blood remaining.
"To make sure that you were going to the perfect gift. So, sorry if I scared you too much."
I just stared at him wide-eyed, every sentence he spoke throwing me off even more.
Even with his apology, my nerves refused to stop.
I didn't trust it.
"If it makes you feel any better, you really are the perfect give. I'm almost impressed with how well you fit her tastes," He began, "Perfect blood, perfect taste, perfect reactions. Just remember the couple things that I told you and you should be fine."

VampireIn this life, a human without the money to pay for their own life is worth nothing. Take those humans in as property, breed them, and you'll end up like one of me. One of us. Pets. Born and trained to serve our Masters once the day comes that we h...