Chapter 24

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Our walk was dead silent.

Not that I expected it to be anything else, but this silence was different than the one I initially imagined it would be.

Even with Xander gone, the tension from before was still there and only breeding in the silence.

I wondered if he felt it as well or if it was just all on me.

Being the partially guilty one here, the latter one wouldn't surprise me.

I looked up a bit, picking up my pace once I realized that I had fallen more behind than I was used to.

Nico walked a lot faster than Xander did, and that only shortened the time I had to plan before we were at his room

I hadn't expected to get this far in my plans so soon.

A plan as to what I was going to say or do hadn't yet come to me.

All I knew was that I needed to apologize, but even that much could be risky.

I glanced up at Nico's back, noticing the tightness in his shoulders.

Regardless of whether or not he said anything about it, it was obvious that he knew what happened.

I just hoped that my apology doesn't start something else.

I don't know what I'd do if it somehow lead to Nico questioning me for answers on Xanders actions.

Having to lie to him didn't seem like my best interest, nor was it  something that I wanted to do in general.

I didn't want to have to tell him Xander's real intentions over the ones I knew he was trying to convey.

As easy as it would be to tell Nico the whole truth... about everything that's been going on with Layla and Xander, I never did.

I stuck with Xanders lies.

Because although that would possibly end what I had to go through, it wasn't my problem to fix on Xander's behalf

That wasn't my place, nor was it my job to try to help him out of the situation he's stuck himself in.

Plus, for as long as this had been going on, doing such a thing could end up angering Xander.

And that is still something I would rather not have happen.

I paused next to Nico as he stopped in front of his door.

He took in a deep breath, trying to compose himself before placing his thumb against the reader and opening his door.

I followed close behind him as he entered, fighting to search the room right away.

Luckily the tension felt like it lessened as we walked in.

Not entirely, but enough so that I could breathe without feeling in on my chest.

"How was breakfast," A timid voice spoke soon after the door was closed.

I lifted my head a bit, eyes widening once I spotted her at the window sill.

That was the first time I heard her voice.

I didn't exactly get to hear much last night, so it felt good to finally match a voice with her face.

And it felt a lot better to see her sitting there, seemingly okay.

"Fine," Nico's hard reply ended my thoughts for the moment.

I instinctively rose my brow at the... interesting response.

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