Present Day:
The quivering fists as my side began to relax, but the hard grip she had on my shoulders stayed strong.
I didn't have the strength anymore to even keep myself up at this point.
This was the second day in a row that she's fed from me, and my body had in no way recovered enough yesterday to go through this again today.
Hell, I'd be surprised if my body has had a full amount of blood in its system ever since this deal was made.
Usually, she'd at least wait one day before coming over to feed from me, and Xander would try whatever he could to make sure I recovered enough to go through another one of Layla's bites.
And by that I mean he would make sure I ate enough and took one of those pills his brother gave him.
But apparently, Layla just killed her last pet and was now fully dependant on a pet that wasn't even hers.
Maybe I should feel lucky. After all, she's gone through fourteen pets since the time she started using me.
My vision started to blur around the edges, my heartbeat slowing down as she took gulp upon gulp of my blood.
or what was left of it.
The only good thing that came out of that sensation was that I became numb to the intense pain her bites caused.
She bit hard, and sometimes, in more than one place.
I had the scars all over my body to prove it.
I didn't even have the energy to make a sound when a shift in her position caused my head to fall back completely.
From here, though, I could see Xander, his fist pressed against his lips with the same uncomfortable and kind of awkward expression he always held whenever Layla had her fangs in me.
His eyes snapped to me for a moment, a tinge of worry in his eyes.
When this deal first started, I thought that maybe the worry in his eyes showed that he cared about me, but I came to my own conclusion very soon after.
He always hoped that she wouldn't kill me. Because without me, there would be no Layla coming to his room multiple times a week.
I was the only thing bringing her to him and he knew that.
Despite how he might try to deny it, deep down he knew.
He also always hoped that one of these days she'd do something else than feed or whip me whenever she came by. He hoped for something more than the agonizing small talk they'd exchange before she'd do what she wanted with me and left.
But then when Nico was around with them she acts as if Xander is irrelevant.
She knew what she was doing, even I knew how much she was using him.
But for some unfathomable reason, he was too smitten with her to see it.
So he just kept giving and giving and giving.
The blur had taken up most of my vision at this point, leaving the only thing left I had to hold onto was my consciousness and even that was slipping.
By now I had become accustomed to the feeling and the effects of blood loss, nothing surprised me at this point.
Nothing scared me at this point.
I knew the pattern well and knew what to expect.
Except when I don't have time to recover between bites, it can get difficult to deal with.

VampireIn this life, a human without the money to pay for their own life is worth nothing. Take those humans in as property, breed them, and you'll end up like one of me. One of us. Pets. Born and trained to serve our Masters once the day comes that we h...