Chapter 39

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Xander's POV:

My head throbbed for just a moment as my consciousness slipped back to me.

I couldn't remember if I had intended to fall asleep when I first crawled into bed, but sleep took me anyway.

Before I even opened my eyes, I forced myself to focus on the status of the instincts that decided to butcher me the whole day.

Though I realized rather fast that my breaths were slow and steady.

As they should be.

That agonizing tearing sensation in my chest was gone, but I could still feel something there.

Lingering... Waiting...

Waiting for me to piss it off again? Probably.

It was just a small pressure humming right in the center of my abdomen.

Not really uncomfortable enough to affect me outwardly, but annoying enough to where I don't think I'll be able to just ignore it.

My back arched into the pillow I was holding as a stretch overcame me, arms straightening out and claws extending as they always did.

Both returned to normal once I let out a very harsh exhale, holding the pillow tighter against me before peeking my eyes open.

The close-curtained window was a blur for a moment until my eyes decided to focus.

While they did, I found myself recalling what happened before my... collapse.

After what Nico said... after I left his room I just lost it.

Or I guess the part of me that was supposed to be dormant right now lost it.

There were too many emotions running through my mind, and that internal part of me took that chance to pounce.

It was like getting taken over during a bloodmoon, but not actually shifting the control.

Just the agonizing in-between part where the two clash with each other.

I just remember snapping out of it long enough to get back to my room, and then finally getting it to calm down again after...

Where's Doe?

My eyes shifted from the window scanning over that side of the room.

When I didn't see her, I groggily moved my arm and pushed up against my elbow, turning my head to check the other side.

But I still didn't see her.

Not at my desk, the closet, the bathroom.

A panic nearly settled itself in me, forcing the advanced senses to kick in before I finally spotted her on the other side of my bed.

The sight of which nearly startled me off of this thing.

Just for the reason that it wasn't a common occurrence for her to be here when I was also here.

Despite the invitation given to her a while ago.

She just sat there, leaning against the headboard with a pillow supporting her lower back, knees bent and covered with the blanket.

Staring right at me with an odd look.

Probably due to my strange reaction to seeing her there.

"Morning," She chimed regardless.


I didn't think I had slept for that long.

Maybe I was really out of it.

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