Chapter 1

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Levius and Lucille lives a happy and normal life as merchants. When Lucille bare their 1st child the couple was ecstatic. Unfortunately, the child was sickly and weak, Levius was disheartened when Lucille kept blaming herself for their daughters weak Constitution. As a father and loving husband he used all his resources and communications to find the best quack doctor even in the underworld to cure their daughter.

After series of negative results the disheartened Lucille asked Levius to stop. The 2 were at wits end looking at their sleeping daughter then one night Lucille woke up covered in cold sweat. She went downstairs to the basement where she kept an old journal. Lucille recalls that it was her great grandmother's journal documenting her travels around the world. Her mother never mentioned much about her but through the words described in the journal her great grandmother was a princess of a nomad tribe who served the gods. Levius woke up wondering where his wife is then he found the door to the basement was open.

Lucille was startled from her husband's voice asking what was she doing down here. Lucille told Levius about a fountain that impedes aging, the journal stated it's location and she wants to go there to seek for it. Levius frowns chiding her that he cannot place his wife's safety on leap of faith. Lucille refutes it was their only hope for (Y/N) to prolong her life. Lucille incessantly persuade her husband. Levius rubs the crease of his forehead and exasperatedly sigh, agreeing to his wife.

Lucille smiled and hugs her loving husband. He was still against it but knowing Lucille, she might pull something even more dangerous, he dislike. That morning after, Levius had arrange a ship with his trusted men to protect his wife. As merchants travelling outside for export goods getting permission from the king was easy. Before they depart Levius kisses his wife's forehead praying for her safe return.

A few days of sailing the seas and finally reaching the border of Clover kingdom waters they got struck by a huge storm. Luckily the ship was sturdy and had a good navigator that they got out safely. They finally reach the rocky cove which hid a cave. They dock nearby and disembark the ship to seek the cave which is the passage to the serpents lair, the guardian of the fountain. After scouting the cave with their lacrima lamps there was no sign of the fountain but she did not lose hope. They all felt dizzy and notice the path shifted, they were pushed and pulled on different direction that she got separated from the group.

Standing alone in a dark path Lucille felt her heart throbbing so loud. But, she did not allow fear to control her. She took out her lacrima lamp to illuminate the cave. Lucille narrowed her eyes and followed a faint light at the end of the path. She was struck in awe at what she had found.

A crystal like lake that illuminates the cave she thought 'this must be the fountain of youth'. She grabs her satchel and took out her vial. She dabs it in the water but the water was magical that she can't get even a drop of it. She jolted when she heard scurry noise behind her. Lucille jumps in surprise from the horrendous look of the guardian beasts staring at her with its slit eyes. He asked who she is and how she got in, Lucille answered with honesty that she came to seek the magical fountain and begs him to give just a drop of water to save her daughter's life.

The serpent refuse and attacked her. Lucille evades him and uses her magic but its white scales were too hard to penetrate. Moments later She wondered why the serpent stop his assault. The beast was looking at the journal sprawled on the floor with a binder that fell from it. Lucille gasped it must have fallen when she evaded him.

The serpent picks up the journal and the book binder designed with white scales and a braided white silver chord. He asked Lucille how she got a hold of such item. Lucille looked at him dubiously and exclaimed "that's from my great grandmother's. Give it back". The guardian snake frowned and changes its horrendous form into human. He rubs the rough scale of the book binder, Carina was the 1st ever who admired a beast that was discriminated by his clan. She loved his white silver lux and crystal like scales so he gave it to her brazenly as present ignoring the laws of the gods.

The serpent apologize for attacking her and introduce himself. He asked where is the owner of the journal. Lucille looked perplexed when the beast suddenly calmed down. She doesn't know much about the details since there were secrecy's relating to her banishment so the family declared her dead. He clenched his jaw and looked at her dubiously, prodding for truth, it wasn't possible for the greatest mage to killed that easy but his mind was conflicted if what she said was true. He beckoned her to give the vial and filled it with water.

Lucille merrily thanks him. He didn't respond and turned away. She wondered what was that dark expression he showed but she didn't inquire further and left. She was flabbergasted to know it was easy to get out but hard to get inside the tricky cave.

After a few days of sailing Lucille happily tells her husband the good news. Levius was so glad that she got home safely and thanks his men. As the couple gave (Y/N) the elixir her hair suddenly turned white and after a few seconds (Y/N) started to cry. The couple cried tears of joy that their daughter is finally cured.

As the couple were soundly asleep the serpent in man form came to (Y/N)'s room and stared at her sleeping little form. His brow knits in disgust looking at the humans offspring, he scoffed at Carina's descendant who is a frail little girl with a meager mana. (Y/N) started to twitch from her sleep and soon cried, the serpent was startled and commands her to stop but she began to bawl louder. He covered his ears from the sound regretting what he did. He took (Y/N) out and went to the couple's room. He was flabbergasted to know how they are still sleeping soundly despite the loud bawling of their child.

The serpent exasperatedly sigh and went back to her room. He notice (Y/N) seemed to have calmed down while carrying her back and after checking what was she doing he found her chewing the hem of his neckline collar. He plop her down the crib and lift the piece that is covered with saliva, glowering at her. The serpent gag in disgust and furiously berates the little (Y/N) who was gawking at him. He sigh and sat on a nearby chair massaging his temples feeling ridiculous for quarrelling against an infant.

He was in disbelief how can this drooling little monster be the great Carina's descendant. He felt defeated and lay his head low. As he glance back at (Y/N) the serpent frantically jumps from his seat when (Y/N) rolled out from her crib towards the unhinged side. Luckily before she fell to the ground he caught her in time.

The serpent's face flush in anger at (Y/N) at how clumsy she is even for a baby, the little girl replied with a gurgling sound from his qualms. He contemplated, Carina once rejected the idea for a god to be binded to a human despite knowing he loves her. He was still loyal to his love for her so he bind himself to (Y/N) her last descendant by sharing a price of his into her. As soon as the spell was casted (Y/N) began to willed an enormous mana.

End of chapter 1

>>To chapter 2

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