Chapter 3

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Several days after Naga became worried for her since (Y/N) would frequently sneak out to meet him. Everytime she comes back beaming a smile at the things Magna showed her he'd feel a slight pang in his chest. As she grows up to be a fine lady the more he feels this irritation inside his chest.

At a certain tavern Magna was gambling cards to a man. He cursed under his breath as he stares at his cards while his opponent mischievously grins. "wow you're really in a pinch" Magna jumps in surprise when he heard a familiar whisper close to his ear. "(Y/N)" he gasped while (Y/N) waves hello and smiles at him.

His opponent rose a brow staring at their banter. "why won't you let your friend join in?" Magna spat at his suggestion exclaiming that (Y/N) doesn't gamble. Lecherously looking at her he raise the bet offering a sack of gold but if he wins he will get to have a date with Magna's friend. Magna glowered and cursed him refusing his offer the man guffaws telling how naive Magna is if he won't wager in gambling. "Come on be a man and defend your Lass" the man teases.

(Y/N) looked worried but still encourages Magna that everything will be alright and she believes in him. Magna smirked confidently and stares at his opponent "I have no intention of losing (Y/N)". (Y/N) faintly blush and felt her heart skip a beat. When the cards had been shuffled Magna's heart throbs loud in anticipation. As he pulled open the deck of cards his eyes began to widen in surprise.

They left the tavern with joy of laughter Magna boisterously told (Y/N) about how his hand won the game. "You're my one lucky charm (Y/N)" although confuse she felt a bit of pride and smiled. Magna wondered what was she carrying which (Y/N) remembered.

She gave her gift a fancy scarf to him and showed the bake cake greeting him "Happy birthday". Magna's eyes widened in surprise he wasn't aware it was today. Magna felt warm as he worn the scarf it was the 1st time someone did it for him so he asked in wonder why would she go to such length. (Y/N) began to harbor romantic feelings towards him, she wanted to confess her love for him but then thought otherwise "it's my friends special day. Am I not allowed to spoil you with a few gifts?" Magna grins and thanks her. After that celebration (Y/N) went home disappointed. She groaned under her pillow why can't she summon a courage to tell him.

(Y/N) stared at the ceiling recalling that moment he asked why she did that "I've loved you for so long, dumb Magna" she groaned again under her pillow kicking her feet on the bed. Naga suddenly came out from the shadows asking what's her issue. (Y/N) jumps in surprise didn't notice he was in her room. She wondered where has he been, she's been worried when she can't find him in the forest. Naga sat on her bed telling her that he was busy with something, in reality he just wants to settle the emotions his feeling. (Y/N) perks up telling him about what happened today Naga suddenly looked tense.

His expression scowled when (Y/N) excitedly said "I'll confess to him next time for sure" Naga didn't realize he was thinking out loud "you can't" (Y/N) wondered what he meant. She looked at him with worry why is he crouching against her whilst covering his face with his palm. "Naga, are you alright?" she heard him grit his teeth. When she was about to reach for him Naga swats her hand and pinned her down. (Y/N) gasped in fear as she looked at his glinting blue snake eyes "I gave you life. You belong to me" his deep guttural voice ran shivers down her spine. (Y/N) wince in pain from his hold around her wrist, he was so scary that it made her tear and whimper.

Naga suddenly gasped finally snapped out and letting her go. He suddenly took a distance away from her and apologies then he opened a portal and leap out of her room "Naga wait!" (Y/N)'s plea was only heard by the wind as the portal closes. The next day, (Y/N) went into the forest looking for Naga at the same place she would usually see him. She looked despondent when he wasn't there "Naga, I know you're out there. I'm sorry if I made you angry but Please come out I won't be afraid anymore" when she heard no response she sigh and turns around then she heard rustling and twigs breaking. (Y/N)'s face lit up when she spotted a silhouette from a distance approaching her.

"Naga?" her grin turned to a frown when a stranger came out from the thicket. (Y/N) asked who is he and what is he doing in their property she backs away from the huge eerie man. Soon, a group of men came out from the thicket after him (Y/N) heard one of them mentioned her father's name. Her heart throbs quickly sensing malice around them and before they could get close she ran away screaming for help.

At the cave Naga still succumb at his loneliness but he heard a faint voice of (Y/N) calling for help he perked up from his seat and opened a portal to the forest. Naga's eyes widened in horror when he notice a smoke coming from the house's direction. He frantically search for her as he reach the burning house. Naga finally found her unconscious and protected by her dead parents body, standing next to them is a stranger holding a blood covered sword. Naga felt an uncontrolled rage that he transformed into a hideous creature and spewed scalding water breaking the entire house.

He protected (Y/N) and teared her perpetrators apart. Naga became the white beasts his clan had feared. As soon as he calmed down and turned into his human form he realized what he has done. His face darkened in horror as he looked at his trembling hands. He suddenly flinch when he heard (Y/N)'s faint voice. He rush towards her and applied healing magic immediately, unfortunately her parents didn't survive the fetal wounds they received. A few moments later Levius's servant who ran for help returned with magic knights. Naga was relieved that (Y/N) finally opened her eyes he soon hid himself and allowed the knights to take care of her.

At the hospital where she rested Naga visited her, (Y/N) was sulking about the news regarding her parents. Naga apologize for not being able to save them in time. (Y/N) thanks him politely and asked who is he. Naga was baffled of her question so he inquired what she meant. (Y/N) looked troubled if he was someone important to him but she has no memory of who he is. He was devastated upon learning that he was the only one whom she can't remember. He calmed his erratic heart and contemplated, it must be from the shock that's why, he convince himself that she'll soon remember him. Naga pat's her head relieved that she was ok and left.

A few survive from Naga's outburst and reported to their employer that they completed the mission and massacred the Crocelli family. Their boss grins in satisfaction and commend them for job well done "This is what you get for turning my offer down Levius" his malevolent laugh was heard around the room.

End of chapter 3

>>To Chapter 4

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