{Chapter 1}

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(A/n: none of the pictures are mine. Unless said so.)

(Y/n) was sunbathing in the warm golden glow. Rolling her tiny, one-tailed fox form over onto her belly to let her fiery orange far sock up the sun.

'It's nice and warm here... But I'm bored.' She mentally grumbles. 'I wanna play... But I don't have anyone to play with... (T^T)'

Her ears twitched at the sound of leaves crunching under something's footsteps. (Y/n) jumped to her feet, her tail wagging behind her. 'Yes, yes, yes! A friend! A friend! Someone to play with!' The joy and excitement wafted out of the tiny fox's body.

The young yokai bounced towards the sound. The footsteps were coming from a dark-haired boy with a big box on his back.

Tanjiro's view:
I was making my way to my next mission. I am not familiar with this area, so I just hope I can make my way there.

"Eh!?" The sudden squeaky sound made me jump in surprise. I look around frantically, trying to find the source of the sound.
Another bark! I violently turn to the sound. And there... Stod in front of me was a baby fox.

The small animal had a caller made of large red beads. Was this someone's pet? The fox had a sent of pure joy, it was shown as its tail wagged uncontrollably.

"Oh, hello little friend!" I greet the small creature with a smile, as I reached down to pat it. The little fox's excitement just grows 10 times bigger. Thay start running around, around, around my legs and jumped here, there, then, where? Somewhere and everywhere.

I can't help but chuckle at the excitement of the creature. I wonder where thay came from? I boop the fox's little nose and the playful animal started chasing my index finger around in circles. It was so cute. And was a relief as well, a small break from reality.

But sadly... Not all good things last, because Kasugai crow started pecking my head, not gonna lie it hurt.
"Get back on your way! You have a mission to do! You can't stop to play with a stupid fox!" The bird yelled in my ears.
I noticed that the baby fox's ears were drooping in disappointment. It hurt my heart.

"I'm sorry little friend, I guess we will have to play next time. Bye-bye." My Kasugai crow sat on my shoulder as I waved goodbye to the sweet, red-furred creatures. Thay seemed happier at the thought of a "next time".

With my Kasugai crow now sitting on my shoulder, probably making sure I don't play keep playing with the fox; I set back on the road, to get to my mission.

On my way through the forest, I noticed a small fox shrine.

"You cannot play with any Foxes here either

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"You cannot play with any Foxes here either." The crow squawked on my shoulder. I pout at my crow, but I bow towards the shrine to pay respect. And carried on my way.

As I was walking something to me... Felt off... I don't know why my but the trees and plants look unnaturally similar; was I going in circles?

I came to a small clearing among the trees. And there are set in the middle of the clearing was the little fox with a caller made of lodge red beads. The same one that I had said goodbye to about 30 minutes ago. Now, I was really confused.

The little foxes started wag happily as I stand there confused. Even my Kasugai crow was confused. "What!? But you were walking in a straight line! How did we end up back here!?" The blackbird spoke both of our thoughts.

I look around for a moment. "I'm sorry little friend, but did you bring me back here?" I asked the little fox as I took a step.

I kneeled down in front of the fox. Now inhaling their sent. It's different... It smelt like a fox but it also smells like...

It's weird, a fox wouldn't go near a fire, but the smell is acting as if the fox is a fire. Weird?

"I sorry, if I got your hopes up. But I can't stay and play with you. I need to go, sorry." I get up again and try to leave the forest again.
But this time after walking for 10 minutes I was already back to standing in front of the little fox. Thay just tilted their head at me seeming to question what I was doing.

I take a deep breath and try a different direction. But I end up coming to the same clearing but now standing next to the fox.

"What's going on here!?" The crow squawked on my shoulder.

I turn around and all I see is the same clearing with the little fox staring at me confused.

I paused. Is the little fox doing this? I walk up to the little fox and kneel down beside it again.
"Hey, little friend?" The fiery furred creature looked up at me with big dewy eyes. "Do you want to came with me on my mission?"

Little friend's eyes were sparkling at my words.
My eyes widen in shock as a large cloud of smoke replaces my little friend.
"Eh!?" The Kasugai crow squawked with me in shock.

To complete confusion a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me along. I couldn't get a good look at them, all I could really see was their (h/c) and their... fox ears?

"Be careful Tanjiro Kamado that girl isn't human!" My Kasugai crow yelled at me from behind. We were somehow out running a crow flying at top speed.

(Y/n)'s view:
I come to a stop on the outskirts of my forest. Since I don't know where we are going. So I just followed the direction he was going before. Before I made him go in circles.

Looking at the dark-haired boy, I noticed he looked like he was just splashed in the face with cold water. And no rude crow insight.
Whoops! I guess I was going too fast for them.

Tanjiro's view:
I try to pull myself together after being pulled into a string. And I get a good look at the person who grabbed me through the forest.
It was a girl wearing temple clothes.

 It was a girl wearing temple clothes

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And a kitsune mask.

And the most defining feature about her, was the orange furred fox ears and tail

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And the most defining feature about her, was the orange furred fox ears and tail.

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