How it all began

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(This story goes off cannon a lot so please don't comment " That's not what really happened in the anime".) ( I got the inspiration of this chapter from the picture above, with that enjoy the story). Also sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes I may do.

( Deku Has His own quirk and doesn't get it from all might in this story)

It was a nice sunny day as young bakugo was just wondering around. He was wondering if he would get his quirk soon as he has seen other children get theirs. He has always fascinated of getting a strong quirk so he could be just like his Idle All might. As he was in his thoughts he didn't see were he was walking and fell off of the log he was walking on into the water.

"Ouch" he thought before going to stand up but when he looked up he saw a green haired boy in front of him." do you need help" the green haired boy said. Bakugo wanted to yell at the boy(as for in his head he thought the other boy saw him as weak and not able to get up). He reluctantly Took the boys hand and got up to his feet. After that he reluctantly said thank you to to the boy who had just helped him. To his surprise when he started looking at the green haired he started to notice how cute/hot the green haired boy was and started to blush a little. "Hey um... I was wondering if you want to be my friend"said the green haired boy. Bakugo memorized of how hot/cute the boy looked said yes. "Awesome also just wondering what's your name my name is Izuku midoriya what's yours?" Bakugo told his name to his newly found friend and he started to chuckle a little. Bakugo confused asked him what was so funny and the boy replied " well I find your name really cute. Imma call you kacchan!"

(Sorry that this was a short chapter 😅)

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