Elementary School PT :1✌️🙃

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Sorry for not updating in while school is starting back in a week for me and I've been stressed trying to the summer assignments that are due the first day back since I didn't try to the them until now...🙃✌️. Just for a heads up most the chapters I will write are based of the photo I include.Any ways lets get into the story

It was now a year later from when deku and bakugo first met each other. Since becoming friends they forced their mothers to let them go to the same kindergarten for school. There parents agreed especially bakugo's mom since she was happy that here hot headed son found someone that calmed him down. And if they weren't lucky then they also found out they were in the same class as each other with the same teacher. Both deku and bakugo were now more than exited to go to school now that they knew they were going to be together.

Bakugo POV: Idk why I feel happy That I am in the same class a deku I mean he's a lost right...... ugh i guess I could call him my "friend". I mean we have done everything together since we met so........... I think I'm gonna like being with deku I don't mind that much than I thought I would.

Deku POV: I am so happy I get to be together with bakugo this year for school that way I can keep and eye on my precious little angry Pomeranian. I mean have you seen him he so cute when he's calm despite him being all tough you can see right through he is all soft which is probably why he isn't mad we are in the same class rather he is really happy. Ahh this is gonna be a great year of kindergarten!

Inko Midoriya POV: "ring ring.... Ring ring". 'Picks up phone' omg hi Mitsuki it's been so long how have you been "it hasn't been that long inko we talked to echother the other day when are kids begged us to try to get them in the same class together remember" Oh yeah right anyways what you need you called me for something right? " yeah about that the brat wants to see your son so I was wondering if we can schedule a play date for them this afternoon is that alright with you?" Oh that's perfectly fine I don't have anything scheduled to do today so yeah umm how about 2:30 sounds good? " yeah 2:30's perfect and one more question who's house mines or yours?" Umm we can do at my house I just finished cleaning and started on cooking lunch for Izuku so might as well let you guys come over for lunch as well sounds good!? " yeah that sounds perfect anyways see you later" later 'hangs up'
Izuku dear can you come here please! "Yeah mom what you need?" Oh Mitsuki and Bakugo are coming over lunch and you and bakugo are having a play date later cause bakugo wanted to see you!. "Ohh yay I get to see him again" anyways go and make sure your room is clean they should be coming in about 25 minutes so get ready alright! " alright mom"

Deku's POV: yes yes triple yes Bakugo wanted to come over today I am so excited luckily I cleaned my room yet so all I have to do is just wait for him and his mom to come which is the hardest part ughhhh. Oh well at least I get to see him my little angry Pomeranian. Ugh just thinking about him gets me flustered like how can someone be that cute and angry at the same time like ugh. Well I hope he doesn't mind that my room is filled with allmight merch I mean how could anyone not love allmight he is the greatest hero of all time!! I can't wait till we get our quirks this year that way I am one step close to being the greatest hero of all time right besides my little cutie bakugo!
As deku was lost in thought the bakugo's arrived to the house and were waiting in the living room.

Bakugo's POV: hey we're is deku I thought I came here cause I wanted to see him😢. " oh sorry dear deku is in his room you shouldn't miss his name is on the door you can go and see him" yay I run as fast as I can and barged into his room and gave deku the biggest hug anyone can manage

Deku's POV: as I was lost in thought  felt soft hands giving me hug I look slip and see bakugo and immediately hug him back. "You seem pretty happy to see me kacchan". "Of course I am deku I was the one who wanted to see you now what should do- You like All-might too!!!!". "Of course I do he the number one hero plus when we get our quirks I plan to be just like him". " me to hey deku let's promise each other we will be hero's together no matter what" "okay I promise"
For the rest of the play date the two kindergartners drew and colored pictures of all-might talking about their future together as hero's.
(Sorry if this doesn't make since I wrote this over the span of 4 days so the theme might have gotten thrown off. Besides that I have decided to change the theme of the story so deku isn't really a villain he more like friends with villains so he isn't really a villain so he will still be a hero in this story sorry for changing it 😢 I just don't have any Ideas if I did a villain deku but I have ideas if he was still a hero and was just like friends with villains and had like an alliance with them of that makes since. I will be updating the story and stuff so that my new Idea comes in to play and again sorry for Changing the story theme✌️)

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