Discountinuing 😅🥹✌️

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So tbh it's a new year and I've had writers block for the longest time and I even deleted wattpad but I just recently re-installed it. I do have ideas now to write it's just sadly it's not related to this topic anymore. Tbh I've fallen out of watching MHA. And it's been my fav anime and it's so hard and sad to see myself slowly not like it that much anymore. Don't get me wrong I still like MHA I even have a whole collection of funko pops of it it's just that I have no more inspiration for this anymore. Now I know some people are sad but if anyone would like to pickup this and finish it for the people that want an update feel free to just text me here that you would like to and I will give you full Permission to do so as I have no interest nor inspiration on writing this anymore. I know this isn't the update you want after a year but I will still be writing just not on this topic👍✌️ anyway hope you have a good rest of your day!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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