First Day of kindergarden pt.2✌️

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Bakugo's POV: Me and deku have been talking to some of other classmates for a while now and they seem nice. Although I have to admit I am jealous that deku is talking to this girl in class more than me but I should be happy he is making new friends as well right?
Deku's POV:
It seems like every thing is going smoothly for our first day. Right now I am currently talking to this girl she was the first in our class to discover her quirk. Just a few minutes ago her quirk appeared and I found it cool so now I am talking to her. Although I can see that kacchan is jealous of me talking to her which is cute.
                     After school
Bakugo's POV :
It was now the end of the day and Izuku's mom picked us up from school and we were going out to eat to celebrate our first day of school. While we were out Izuku got his quirk and to be honest I was a little jealous he got his. But his quirk was so cool it seemed tho he had two so into was going to take him to the doctor after we ate.
Deku's POV :
I was surprised when all of a sudden the fork I was using to eat started to float a little and my mom and bakugo noticed. My mom was so happy that I had a quirk like herself but when I went to put the fork back down the whole table shook violently. That's when she noticed I may have multiple quirks and said we would see a doctor after we eat.

                            After they ate
( I am having writers block bear with me 🥲)

they we currently at the doctor office and into took bakugo cause mitsuki was currently at work. Inko was also gonna have bakugo checked out RJ see what his quirk might might be since he hasn't possessed it yet.

Inko's POV : we just had Izuku checked it and to my suprise he did have two quirk. He had a levitation quirk and can lift objects like me but he can do it to humans an living things as well. And it seems like he is manifesting a quirk similar to all might's which is really amazing. I bet he is going to be a very good Hero when he grows up😊.
Bakugo's POV : seeing deku's quirks kinda made me sad cause I knew due to the reaction of the doctor and his mom that his second quirk was similar to all might's quirk. On top of that he also has a cool levitation quirk. Although I was jealous I can't help but admire Izuku. He got amazing quirks. Well it was my turn and  even though I haven't possessed a quirk the doctor said it would be very similar to the quirk my mom has. I was really happy that just would get a quirk that I didn't care if it wasn't as cool as Izuku's.

Ok now I have hit complete writer block to make it up to you lovely people I will try my best to make the next part longer and try to get it out sooner ✌️ and with that see you later lovely people ✨

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