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So To be honest here 1 I did have a chapter that I was going to post but I forgot...... 2 I didn't really have the time at all to update due to my schedule and what I do in my personal life..... and 3 I just haven't been able to get any ideas to finish this and also I just want to write a different ship so I might just Make a different book but I will try to finish this one with the chapters I have written and then I guess we will see from there. I also I still like anime but I have gotten back Into K-pop a lot as I used to listen to it and be involved and then I kinda stoped and I kinda want start writing books related to that especially Stray kids and maybe some other Groups.I know it has been like a while...... a while but I will try my best to post a chapter by the end of this week if not sooner cause school is starting back soon and.... Yeah anyways see you when I post the chapter I guess ✌️🤷🏾‍♀️

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