chapter twenty two. surprise

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Millie walks into Ginny and Georgia's house with the rest of the girls as they yell 'surprise' at thesrk haired girl. She has no idea how she got dragged into this but she's here.

Ginny goes upstairs as they set everything up. "Can I come down now?" She asks as Georgia responds with. "We're ready,". Ginny comes down as they all yell 'Happy birthday,". "Welcome to your birthday surprise," Georgia speaks up.

After everyone calms down Millie and Grace get their nails done. "Are you sure you don't want anything longer," Grace says as Millie laughs. "Nah, I like short nails," Millie explains. The lady was painted her nails black with red dots and Grace was getting black with pink flowers.

After their nails dry they sit down with the other girls."Millie. Here," Ginny says handing Millie a water bottle. "Thanks," Millie says as she takes a sip before handing it to Grace who takes a sip. "Oh, alcohol," she says as Millie laughs. After karaoke, the group goes to Ginny's room as Georgia puts a movie on for them. "What is that?" Max asks picking up the paper from Ginny's table. "Nothing," Millie says putting it down.

They close the door before getting dressed except for Millie who was playing the piano. "Let's go," Ginny says before they all head out of the window.

When they get next door they start the party. Millie and Grace go to her room to see Flynn waiting for them. "Sup," Millie says falling down on the bed. "Heyy," Grace says laying down next to them.

"So," Flynn says sitting up. "Sí?" Millie asks smiling at him. "Oh, our bilingual queen," Grace says as Millie laughs. "What were you gonna say?" Millie asks facing Flynn. "I kissed your brother," He says as Millie nods. "Cool. You could be my brother-in-law," Millie explains as Flynn and Grace laugh.

"Wanna go get high?" She adds as the two nod. "I'm gonna go get some things. You guys do the rest," Millie says walking out of her room. She heads to the kitchen to see Ginny talk to her friends. "Hunter went down on me," she says as Millie clears her throat.

"Oh, hi," Ginny says facing Millie. "Happy birthday," Millie says grabbing a bottle and a bag of chips before heading back to her room. 

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