chapter thirty nine. dog with a blog

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Millie's eyes peel open and she finds Ginny's chest pressed against hers. Somehow they're both inside Millie's shirt. She smiles, her cheek pressing against the top of Ginny's head.

"How long have you been up?" She whispers, feeling Ginny raise her head. "Ten minutes. I didn't wanna wake you up," Millie yawns, placing a kiss on Ginny's head.

"And I was scared I would hurt you," Ginny rests her arm on Millie's back, closing her eyes as Millie chuckles. She feels Ginny yawn and she yawns again.

"According to Dog With The Blog, that means we're soulmates," Millie listens to Ginny laugh as the girl pulls herself out of Millie's shirt. She climbs down on the edge of her bed, still laughing.

"I never thought I'd hear you reference Dog With A Blog," she pulls herself up, pulling a shirt over her head. "Well, I've been watching it on an illegal website, I've had a lot of time on my hands when you were gone," she kisses Ginny's nose and moves down to her lips.

"Me too, I bought you something," she pulls out a stuffed teddy from her bag, handing it to Millie who can't contain her smile.

"I love him," she gives him a tiny kiss. "I love you," Ginny kisses her.

"Did you make his outfit?" Millie laughs, looking up as her head falls back and her hair falls out of her face. "Yeah, Austin helped me," she smiles as she helps Millie onto her feet. The room falls silent as Millie wraps a hand around Ginny's body, pulling her in and letting them fall back onto the bed. "Come on, time for school," she smiles.

"No, everyone hates me," Ginny wraps her legs around Millie. "I don't hate you. Gracie and Flynn don't hate you. Come to school, show those assholes you won't be put down so easily," Millie pulls herself up but Ginny still clings onto her. "And if anyone bothers you, I know how to throw a punch," Ginny smiles.

"I also have my first therapy session today," she shrugs. "That's good, therapy is good. Get that head fixed," Ginny lets her go, lets her walk to the window. She stands at the window, about to leave when she walks back to Ginny. "I'm glad you're back, I missed you so fucking much,"

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