chapter thirty two. doing crack

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1x10 Worst Betrayal Since Jordyn and Kylie

Millie sits on the roof with Flynn as they smoke. "Where's Grace?" Millie questions. "Probably doing crack or something," Flynn says as Millie laughs. "I will push you off this roof," she says as he laughs.

"Max has been ignoring me recently. Which I love because she can be so fucking annoying," Millie says rubbing her head. "Should you be smoking?" Flynn asks as Millie shrugs, not caring about her own health.

"I don't care," Millie says throwing the last part of the cigarette off the roof as Flynn laughs. "We should go before you fall off the roof or something," Flynn says getting up before helping Millie up. "Should I send Grace a booty pic to make her feel better?" Millie asks as Flynn shrugs.

"Sure. It'll be a nice gift," he says as the two climb down the ladder laughing.

As Millie and Flynn descend the ladder, their laughter echoing through the quiet evening, they reach the ground and pause for a moment to catch their breath. The city hums around them with distant sirens and the faint glow of streetlights casting long shadows.

"You think Grace will actually appreciate the gesture?" Flynn teases, glancing sideways at Millie as they walk through the dimly lit alleyway.

Millie scoffs, her voice slightly slurred from the drinks earlier. "Who knows? Maybe it'll cheer her up. She's been very distant lately."

Flynn nods knowingly, kicking a pebble ahead of them. "True, she could use a distraction. And you have quite the arsenal."

They emerge onto a bustling sidewalk, weaving through clusters of people as they head towards a nearby diner. Millie pulls out her phone, contemplating the idea. "Maybe I should write a poem instead. Something deep and profound."

Flynn chuckles. "Knowing Grace, she'd probably prefer the booty pic."

They enter the diner with its warm, greasy air enveloping them, finding a booth in the corner. Millie leans back with a sigh, the events of the evening swirling in her mind. "I hope Max gets over whatever's bothering her. It's starting to bug me."

Flynn leans forward, his expression serious for a moment. "Maybe she just needs some space. Relationships can be tricky."

Millie nods, picking up a menu and scanning it absentmindedly. "Yeah, maybe. But sometimes I just wish she'd talk to me."

Their conversation shifts to lighter topics as they order food, the clinking of cutlery and soft chatter of other diners providing a comforting backdrop. Millie catches Flynn's eye and smiles, a genuine warmth spreading through her.

"Thanks for hanging out with me tonight, Flynn. It means a lot."

Flynn shrugs nonchalantly, but his smile is genuine. "Anytime, Millie. You know I'm always here for rooftop smokes and deep conversations."

They share a moment of quiet understanding, the bond of friendship stronger than any fleeting worry or passing drama. As they wait for their food, Millie's phone buzzes with a notification. She glances down and stifles a laugh.

"Grace just replied," she announces, tapping out a quick response.

Flynn leans over, curiosity piqued. "What did she say?"

Millie grins mischievously, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "She said I better send her a matching set."

Flynn shakes his head, chuckling. "Well, looks like you've found your calling as a morale booster."

Their laughter fills the diner once again, blending with the clatter of plates and the comforting buzz of conversation. For Millie and Flynn, the night stretches ahead, full of possibilities and the reassuring presence of friendship.

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