chapter forty eight. vinyl

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Birthdays are always fun, especially when it's your sixteenth, and Millie's day started off perfectly

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Birthdays are always fun, especially when it's your sixteenth, and Millie's day started off perfectly. Her best friends burst into her room with a Harry Potter cake that read "You're a Wizard, Millie."

They also brought her gifts; Grace gifted her three vinyl records: "Midnights" by Taylor Swift, "Melodrama" by Lorde, and "Five Seconds Flat" by Lizzy McAlpine.

"Wow, these are exactly what I wanted, if only I had a vinyl player," Millie exclaimed, holding them close to her chest. Just then, Flynn placed something heavy on her bed-a vinyl player. Overwhelmed, Millie screamed, cried, and jumped up and down in excitement.

"Happy sweet sixteen!" They hugged her tightly. It was a joint effort-Grace, Flynn, Marcus, and Ginny had pooled their savings.

"Keep it down!" Max yelled from the hallway. "Sorry!" Millie shouted back, making an effort to improve her relationship with her sister for Grace's sake.

"You guys said you'd wait for me!" Marcus said, entering the room. Max lingered at the doorway.

"Happy birthday," Max muttered before walking away, leaving Marcus to hug his younger sister.

"Happy birthday to us," Marcus said, smiling.

"Don't tell her I said this, but Max chipped in," Marcus confided as Flynn lifted Millie onto his shoulder, causing her to yelp and grab Marcus's arm.

"What did you say?"

"Max helped us pay for the vinyl player. She wants to make up, but you know her-stubborn as a mule." Marcus held her hand to steady her as Flynn carried her towards the door.

"At least someone is trying to be the bigger person," Millie joked, feeling Grace tug at her leg and nearly losing her balance. "With her towering five-foot-four stature," Marcus teased, flicking her between the eyebrows before placing the vinyl player on her bedside table.

"Okay, get out!" Millie playfully threw a sock at Marcus as he left, closing the door behind him. Flynn then gently placed Millie back onto her bed.

"You need a birthday outfit," Grace declared, excitedly heading towards Millie's closet.

"Something happy and upbeat," Flynn added, joining her. Meanwhile, Millie cut another slice of her cake, enjoying it with a fork her mom had brought up along with a pair of AirPods.

"You have nothing cheerful in your closet," Flynn remarked, giving up on finding an outfit.

"I'm emo like that," Millie joked, savoring her delicious birthday cake. She made a mental note to save some for her brother, sister, and Ginny, whom she couldn't wait to see.

"Go take a shower while we raid Ginny's closet," Flynn suggested. Millie nodded, handing him the cake to share with Ginny and her family before grabbing her towel and heading to the bathroom.

Millie quickly showered, letting the warm water relax her as she thought about the day ahead. She emerged refreshed and wrapped herself in a fluffy towel before heading back to her room.

In her absence, Grace and Flynn had picked out a vibrant outfit from Ginny's closet-a cheerful floral dress that contrasted with Millie's usual dark wardrobe.

"Ta-da! Birthday girl, you're gonna shine in this!" Grace grinned, holding up the dress.

Millie laughed, "It's so... colorful. Are you sure I won't scare people?"

Flynn chuckled, "Nah, you look amazing in everything. Plus, it's your special day-you gotta stand out!"

With a sigh and a smile, Millie surrendered to their enthusiasm. She slipped into the dress and admired herself in the mirror. It was different, but somehow it felt right for today.

"Alright, time for cake round two!" Millie declared, grabbing a plate and cutting a generous slice. She wrapped it carefully and handed it to Flynn.

"Make sure Ginny and her family get a taste of this magic," she said, handing him the plate.

Flynn grinned, taking the plate, "Consider it delivered with love."

As Millie finished getting ready, she felt a surge of gratitude for her friends and family. Despite the occasional chaos, moments like these made her realize how lucky she was.

"Let's go celebrate," Millie said, leading the way downstairs, her heart full with the warmth of friendship and the promise of a memorable day ahead.

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