chapter thirty eight. high on the lawn

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The moon peaks out from the clouds as Millie sits down on the couch she and her friends dragged out into the yard so they can watch the stars. Millie flops back on the couch when Abby walks past her and she rushes up to her feet.

"Where are you going?" Grace whines. Flynn reaches for her hand. Millie ignores them, following Abby that's holding a plate of cookies. She pauses at the door when Millie notices Ginny standing at her window waving. She hesitates, wondering if she should go right now but a part of her knows that Max isn't gonna go easy on Abby in there.

"Maybe you're just fake. But I don't care. I'm numb, I'm genuinely numb," she catches the last part of Max's speech as she takes a cookie from Abby, standing next to the shorter girl. "Why are we being overdramatic again?" She turns over to Norah and Max. "You know why we're fighting," Max barks back. Millie rolls her eyes. "This bullshit again, Max I get that you were blind sided by my relationship and I'm sorry that I lied to you,"

"I don't forgive you,"

"I don't need your fucking forgiveness. And I most definitely do not need your permission," Millie chuckles. Abby coughs into her elbow, hiding a laugh.

"You don't get it okay?" Max starts. "I've never screwed one of your friends,"

"Yeah, cause they hate you," Millie retorts. "But I love you and so does Abby. Can't we put this petty bullshit behind us, you know, girls support girls," Millie smiles in Abby's direction. Abby gives her a small smile, the two have never been close but Millie has always stood up for her when it mattered. "Oh my God, are you fucking Abby too?" Max screeches like a banshee. "Dude, you're not even funny at this point," Millie wants to throw herself off a building. "Now excuse me while I go make out with the g in your little std friend group," Millie gives Abby a kiss on the temple before stealing another cookie and leaving.

"Guys, can we cut this hangout short? I'm gonna go see Ginny," Millie stands in front of her friends who both look like they might pass out any second. "Gang gang," Grace doesn't open her eyes when she talks. "I'll text Marcus to come fetch you. You can crash in my bed tonight," she pulls out her phone and texts her favourite sibling at the moment. When he texts back she pulls the two closer to one another and covers them with her jacket. "Gang gang," Flynn mumbles as Millie chuckles before heading across the street. She opens Ginny's window, sticking her head in but not climbing through yet. "Would it be entirely out of character if I knocked?" She asks, giving Ginny a jump scare.

"Just come in," she does. She climbs through, pressing  down with her good hand and smiling at the other girl. "You're still wearing a cast?" Ginny looks down at the cast and Millie nods, picking up a marker from Ginny's desk and handing it to her. "I have to wear it for two more weeks but it's fine. I like when people sign it," she sits down on Ginny's bed, handing the girl the mark. "What should I write? 'Lets make out'," Ginny laughs, tilting Millie's head away as she starts writing. "Max would kill me if she saw that," Millie rests her hand on Ginny's shoulder, glad to be close to the girl again.

"Done," Millie doesn't even look at it. She can't take her eye off Ginny. "I missed you," she leans forward, her lips falling on Ginny's. Ginny pulls herself off the ground, leaning into the kiss. "I'm sorry I left," she pulls away, finding herself on Millie's lap. "It's just my mom. I found out some messed up shit about her and I just needed a break," Ginny rests her head in Millie's neck. "You don't have to explain. I knew you'd find your way back to me,"

"I thought you'd be upset at me," Ginny laughs. "I could never be upset at you. Not when you're the only person that makes sense to me," Millie smiles when Ginny scribbles tiny hearts on her cast.

"Did you read what I wrote?" Ginny wraps her legs around Millie, tossing the marker aside. She shakes her head, pulling her arm away from Ginny, looking down at the newest addition to her cast. Love you to the Moon and to Saturn.

"What would you do if I told you I hate Taylor Swift?" She scrunches up her nose. "I'd slap you," Ginny gasps. "God," Millie groans.

"Now I kinda wish I hated Taylor Swift," she throws her head back, getting her hair out of her face. "Passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long," Millie smiles, her heart heating up in her chest.

"Can you stay tonight?" Ginny places a soft hand on her cheek. "Sorry, what did you say? I can't understand if you're not speaking in Taylor Swift," Ginny rolls her eyes.

"And I think you should come live with me and we can be pirates," Ginny sings softly. Millie kisses her again. "Wherever you stay, I follow," Ginny shoves her a little when she says that.

"You're cheating. Those aren't the lyrics. That's Evermore not Folklore," Millie pulls Ginny closer. "I didn't know this game had rules," Millie smiles, playing with Ginny's curls.

"Yeah but I guess you can cheat but just because I love you," Ginny kisses Millie, softly, careful not to lean on the girl's hurt arm. "Today, tomorrow, forever," Millie rolls over, laying on top of Ginny as the other girl groans and laughs before rolling them over again until they almost fall off the bed but Millie stops them just in time. "Easy there," she places a small kiss on Ginny's nose.

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