ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪

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Savannah, who was keeping an eye on Iris, saw her get uncomfortable again and walked over to her again. "Hey, you good?" She put an arm around her to try to get the guy to go away. Iris nodded but her face gave away that she wasn't. "We've ordered a drink for you. C'mon let's go back inside."

They sat down and Iris looked around the table. "Where's the drink?" She mumbled. "There is no drink, I was just trying to get you out of that situation. Your face says a lot, you know. Do you want to get out of here or do you want to stay?" Savannah was very worried about her new friend. "I don't know. I don't want the night to end yet, but I don't know if I'll be able to enjoy it as much now that he's around." She pointed to the guy Savannah just saved her from. "If you won't enjoy it, then let's get you home." "We're coming too, there's nothing to do here anymore." Flo said.

One the way home Iris noticed Cisca and Savannah walking a bit behind her and Flo. "You're wondering who that was, right?" She turned to the two girls. "Yes, you must have a loaded history with him if he can make you that uncomfortable." She knew she would have to tell them who that was but she was hoping that that was a part of her history she wouldn't have to share with her family-in-law. "I will explain everything tomorrow, when I've had some time to let tonight's events sink in." Everyone agreed, they would also like some sleep before hearing what sounded like it was going to be a heavy story.

When they arrived home, Lando was sitting on his phone in the living room. As soon as he put his phone down, his girlfriend sat down in his lap and hugged him. He was suprised by her public display of affection. That was until he realised she was sobbing. "Shhh, it's okay." He whispered to her and stroked her hair. He looked at his sisters to see what was going on. They shrugged and left to get ready for bed.

The couple sat tangled up in each other until Iris fell asleep. Lando put one arm under her legs and the other around her shoulders and carried her upstairs bridal style. He put her on the bed and thought about putting on her pyjamas but only took off her heels and pulled the duvet over her body. While changing into his sweatpants and shirt, he heard Iris call for him. "I'm here babe, just go to sleep." She dozed off again and he got in bed not long after.

Lando's parents and Oliver woke up at decent hours while the rest of the house woke up around twelve. Lando woke up earlier than Iris so he put a glass of water on her nightstand and made some toast for them. By the time he walked into the room with her food, she was sitting up straight in bed. "I've got some water and food to cure your hangover." He laughed. "Whas I that bad?" She asked, not remembering what happened. "I don't know what happened in the pub but when you came back, you just came into my arms and pretty much started crying until you fell asleep."

Last night's events came back and she put her head in her hands. "Oh god, I have to find him." "Who? Please fill me in Iris, 'cause this doesn't sounds good." She sighed. "No one you know, but he kinda saved me yesterday. I'll explain it to you and the girls when I get back. I just really have to talk to him." "Should I be worried?" It was a stupid question because he already was worried. "No, you don't have to worry at all." She got ready to leave and find him.

"How are you planning on finding him?" Lando asked her. To him, it seemed like she had no idea how to find him. "First I'm going to the pub to see if I find him, or anyone who knows him. I hope he hasn't changed, because then he will most likely be there." Lando didn't understand why he'd be there but he didn't understand anything of what was going on.

While Iris was away, Lando asked his sisters what happened the night before. The first person that came to mind with all of this was Theo. But why would she tell him he didn't know him if it was Theo. "Is he by any chance a short guy with brown hair?" He asked. "No, it was a tall guy with blonde hair. Do you have an idea of who it could be?" "I had an idea, but if he's tall then it won't be him. If she says I don't know him, than I probably don't."

It took Iris some time before she had found the pub and like she thought, he was sitting in front of the door. "So, where the fuck did you come from?" He jumped at the voice approaching him. "Hello to you too. Actually, I should be the one asking you. I have been living here for more than ten years now." He said. "So that's where you went. Why did you just disappear and never contacted me again? We were best friends and one day you're just gone. Why?" She tried to stay calm but the 8-year old in her that's still mad wanted to hit him. "We were so young, I didn't even know you would care." "We used to hang out every fucking single day, Noah. You were like a brother to me. How can you not care about someone you spend that much time with." "Yes we used to spend a lot of time together, but I had other friends too. I'm sorry but I didn't care about you that much." "Fuck off, Noah." She walked away again.

"Wait, Iris. Let's talk this trough." "Why would we? You didn't care then, why do you now?" "Do you want me to be honest?" She nodded. "You look great, do you wanna go out?" "Are you kidding me? It's a pity for you then 'cause I have a boyfriend." "Oh, really? What's his name then?" "Lando." "No last name?" "Norris, Why's that important." "You're kidding right? You can't be dating a Formula One driver." "I am, and there's nothing you can do about it." She walked away because she was sick of him. First assaulting her, then trying to get with her. It was clear he was just an asshole going after every girl he sees.


I spent some more time on this than usual, but I like it. I tried to keep you guys in the edge of your seats for the whole chapter.

How have I already written 20 chapters, I've been doing this since January but I feel like I started yesterday. I don't know what I did to get 10k reads, I never in the world expected that to happen. The best thing about it is that it'll keep going cause I'm not done yet.

Jealous - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now