ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

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"What did you think of my friends?" Iris asked during dinner. "They're exactly how I imagined them. But I have to be honest, I didn't expect you be friends with Theo's sister. Even though they're very different. Although the two of them are not too shy." Iris laughed. "There are indeed some similarities but at least Abby isn't trying to hit on me." "She better not be."

"I reaslised I haven't asked you this. Do you want to join me and the team on our flight to Bahrain on wednesday, or do you want a flight on Friday or Saturday?" "What do you do when you're not racing? I just want to know if I will be alone a lot on those days." "Mostly meetings and media stuff, oh and a track walk on Thursday." "So I still won't be seeing you a lot?" "I think we'll see each other more than on race day." "I'm coming with you on Wednesday then. But that means I'm going home again for a few days. You can come along if you want." "I can come tomorrow, but I have to go to McLaren on Monday."


"Where are you going?" Lando asked when Iris opened the door. "I'm going for a run." "I didn't know you liked running." "I don't, but I can't go to the gym. So running it is." "Can I come with you?" "Sure, but don't leave me behind." "I won't, I prefer other sports too."

Lando got changed and they started running. They didn't talk while running to not mess up their breating patterns. Their tempo's were very similar until the end, when Iris wanted to pull a last sprint to the house. "Why?" "Cause I want to use the energy I have left." "Okay then." Lando counted down and they started sprinting. Lando started faster but Iris caught up and passed him. She stood at the front door with one hand on her hip and the other leaning against the wall. She was panting. "Now I can lay down for the rest of the day. But maybe take a shower first." "Yeah I need one too."

Lando went first since they were at Iris' house. While he was in the shower Iris went to her sister's room. "Hi sis, is something wrong?" Gemma asked. "No, I just wanted to have some girl talk while Lando's in the shower. I feel like it's been forever since the last time we did that." "Okay." Gemma said and the patted on the bed, signaling for her sister to come sit. "I still feel like there's something you're not telling me." Iris closed the door behind her and sat donw.

"It's just that I feel worried about being in the paddock when there's no one aroud to talk to. I will see Lando in between sessions and at the hotel, but I feel like I will be alone a lot." Iris told her sister. "I get why you would think that but maybe you can ask him if there are any girls in the team or maybe there'll be girlfriends of other drivers there too."

"Maybe. I don't want to bother him with that." "As your boyfriend it's kind of his job to not leave you alone the whole weekend." "Do you think other girlfriends were this nervous their first time at the track?" "I wouldn't know, I don't know any drivers or their girlfriends. Is there something else?" Gemma knew her well enough to knew there was. "I'm just nervous to meet his friends properly." "Why?" "Cause they're his friends. They were making fun of each other the whole time when I saw them." "So? What's the problem with that? You have the same kind of humour." "Last time they didn't know they would see me again." "You're making a big deal of something that isn't even a problem." "I know, I make a problem of everything that makes me slightly nervous."

"I feel like you're more nervous about meeting his friends then you were when you were going to meet his family." "Yeah cause he sees his family a few times a year, but he sees those guys every race weekend." "That doesn't necessarily mean they know him better than his family."

Gemma succeeded in calming Iris down before Lando got out of the shower. "Thanks Gems." "Any time."

"What was that about?" Lando asked. He was putting on clothes and Iris was gathering everything she needed. "Just some girl talk. Nothing to worry about." "You sure? You seemed pretty relieved when you came out of there. Like there was a problem before. You know you can talk to me too right?" It was cute he had noticed and that he wanted to be there. "I know, this was just nothing you can fix." "Wait, am I the problem?" "Oh my god, no Lando. It was just me making problems where there were no needed." "Okay." He wasn't convinced but considerring she said he couldn't fix it, he let it go. She would tell him when she was ready to.


Iris decided it was time for her to tell Lando what the problem was on Sunday. He was leaving that night to pack and he would pick her up the next morning. "Hey babe." Iris said while Lando passed the door to her room. "Hey, you okay?" He leaned on the door frame.  "Yeah, can you come in for a sec?" "Sure." "It's about Sunday, after you came out of the shower." "Oh, yes. It's okay of you don't want to tell me." "No, you can actually help me." "I just said you couldn't so you wouldn't worry but that didn't work. I was just wondering if there will be any girls around that I can talk to and spend time with. Like girlfriends of drivers, or maybe anyone that works for McLaren." "Well, there are a few girls in the team. The one you'll see the most is Charlotte, she won't be there during the media stuff cause then she needs to be with me since that's her job. But most of the weekend she will be free for you I think. And I think you two would get along great. And I can ask the boys if they're bringing their girlfriends." "Okay, thanks." Lando planted a kiss on her forehead. He wanted to say she could talk to him any time but repeating that every 5 minutes couldn't be good.

Jealous - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now