ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪-𝕥𝕨𝕠

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"I think the boys like you." Lando said when they were back in their room. "What makes you think that?" Iris asked, she had a confused look on her face. "Just the way they were with you. I expected them to make the whole evening an investigation. Maybe it helped that you and Carmen seemed to get along really well." "Pro tip: always make sure the girls like you, the boys will follow soon." Iris laughed.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" She wanted to know if she would have anything to do the next day or not. "Tomorrow's the day we will get to be in the car again. It's free practise one and two." "What the heck is a free practise?" Lando laughed. "As the name itself says, it's an opportunity to practise. We just drive around, get used to the track again. Get together a few good laps and that's about it." "Ooh, I get to see you drive." "That's kind of why I'm here, you know." "Wait really? I thought you were here for the nice weather."


The next morning Iris wasn't woken up by an alarm, but by Lando kissing her all over her face. A smile grew on her face and she slowly opened her eyes. "Wake up sleepyhead. It's time to get up and do some shit today." "Okay, I'll get ready then."

"Excited for the first free practise of the year?" Charlotte asked Lando. "Let's do this shit."

The day flew by and before they knew it, it was already Saturday and time for qualifying.

"Good luck out there, I know you can do this." Iris said and gave him a quick kiss. "Thanks." He went over some more things with the engineers and then stepped in the car. He was strapped in and went out to the track.

Iris found her spot to watch qualifying and put on some bright orange headphones. She was sitting at the end of her seat the whole time, hoping Lando would do better than the Mercedes' and Red Bull's. She knew it wasn't very realistic but having a bit of hope wasn't going to harm anyone.

Lando qualified P7 with Daniel in front of him. The team had hoped for a slightly better result but they were happy.

Iris let Lando cool down for a second in his driver's room. She had no idea if he wanted her there now or not. But then she got a text.


Why aren't you in my room?

Because I didn't want to disturb you

You could never ;)

Alright then
I'm coming

She walked in and saw Lando laying down and Jon giving him a massage. "I'm sorry, I'll come back later." She said and turned around. She was about to close the door behind her but Lando called her name. "Don't go, I want you to be here so I can talk to you." "Okay." She walked back in and took a seat on his couch. Lando tried to lift up his head to look at his girlfriend but Jon put his head back down. "You know it's not good to use those muscles right now." Jon told him off. "Alright, alright."

They talked anyway, but it was weird talking to someone who couldn't look at you. She was basically talking to the top if his head.

"Did you see Mazepin's spin?" Lando asked. "Couldn't have missed it." "Gotta be honest, he's just stupid. It's only race one but I think he will spin at every track we will race at." "I'm guessing you don't particularly like him?" "Who does? Getting into F1 thanks to daddy's cash is one thing. There are drivers who were in that situation too, but they have proven themselves. Mazepin wasn't even competing for the title in F2 last year. Callum Ilott deserves that seat more than he does. I mean he was fifth, but he had 40 points less than Yuki, who was third." "Damn, that guy really stole that seat from a much better driver." "You haven't even heard everything that's wrong with him. He also punched Callum once." "He what?" "I know! And last but definately not least, he was touching women inappropriately and posted that on his instagram story." "I am officially done with this guy. And I haven't even met him."

When Jon was ready, Lando had to go do some interviews but he would be back soon."What are we doing for the rest of the night?" "Why do you even ask? We always end up watching a movie and going to bed early, because you need to have a good sleep rhythm." "True story."


"Lando, are you ready? What's taking so long?" Iris knocked on the bathroom and walked in. Lando was sitting on the floor with his head in between his knees. Iris sat down beside him and put her arms around him. "Hey, what's wrong?" He didn't really react except for a small shrug. "You can talk to me, I will never ever judge you." She tried to comfort him by rubbing her hand over his back. "I'm just stressed about the race. Everyone kind of expects Daniel to be better than me, especially now that he out qualified me. But I can't let that happen. Cause if he already outscores me on the first race, that's not very promising for the rest of the season. And I don't want to loose my seat." He rambled.

"Shh, you're not going to loose your seat after one race. And maybe he does outscore you at some races. But that doesn't make you a bad driver. Let that be your motivation to do better. As long as you show your potential, Zak and Andreas will see that you're talented and won't take that seat away from you." She hugged him tight and let silence fall in the room. They both had no idea for how long they sat there but that didn't matter now. The only thing that mattered was Lando feeling better and confident for the first race of the season.

I'm so excited for Lando's contract extension. I also loved that video they made. It was kinda cringe but I love McLaren for doing that sort of stuff. Anyway thanks for reading and voting guys.

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