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Lando crossed the line and the whole team celebrated his win. The feeling of winning a race never got old, but this time it was extra special, he just won his first championship.

Iris stood with the team to congratulate him. She pulled him in by his hemet and said something to him. He didn't understand a word, but he knew that she was congratulating him with perfectly chosen words.

He celebrated his victory with his signature bottle popping and sprayed it all over the team member who accepted the team trophy and the other podium sitters. George got P2 and Charles got P3. It was nice to share a podium with two of his friends, even though he had had a battle with George all season long.

That night they wanted to go out with a few other drivers and friends to celebrate Lando won the championship. "Wait babe, I need to talk to you." Lando said when Iris was about to get ready for the party. She got worried because she felt like Lando had been hiding something for a while.

He took her hands in his so she stood right in front of him and looked deep in her eyes.

"You know you've been with me through thick and thin and I hope I did the same for you. From that first moment I saw you, I knew I had to take my chances and I'm glad I did." The first tears started welling up in her eyes. "I still remember George calling me stupid after that day because I didn't realise you didn't want to argue so I could take you out." They both let out a chuckle.

"But since then we experienced a lot together: the highs of all the podiums I've scored so far" He winked. "but also the lows of Noah being annoying by just existing. Or the struggles we had when you first moved in, although you had basically been staying at my house for months." The tears were now rolling down Iris' cheecks one by one.

"But to come to the point, what I want to say is that I love you and..." He reached down his pocket and got on his knee. "Will you marry me?" She brought her shaky hands to her eyes to stop the tears but it didn't help. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Of course I want to." Iris grabbed Lando's faces and lifted him from the ground to kiss him. She hadn't even looked at the ring Lando had held in front of her, but as soon as he slipped it on, she had a look.

It was a simple, golden ring, with three diamonds in a row. The middle one was a bit bigger but it wasn't ridiculously big. "Do you like it?" He asked. "I love it. You've never bought me anything I didn't like so stop asking." She laughed. "Yeah, but an engagement ring is important, I wanted it to be perfect." "And it is perfect, not too big, not to small, just perfect. As are you." "Aww you're so cute." He joked.

"Now I have to get ready to celebrate that you've won a bloody world championship." She dissapeared into the bathroom. And music was could be heard through the door.

A few minutes later she came out wearing some black skinny jeans and an emerald green, shiny top. Her hair was put into a high ponytail. She put on her high heels and was ready to go.

Lando was wearing a white button up shirt with dark blue pants and a matching blazer. "You're looking handsome." "Thanks, but I'm just trying to match your beauty." Lando said.

They went to the party and greeted some people they knew and got some drinks. Because it was the last race of the season, Lando's parents and siblings where there aswell. He also invited Max since he hadn't been to many races and what better race to come to than Abu Dhabi.

They talked, laughed, drank and danced the whole night. Funnily enough, George seemed very happy even though he'd just lost a championship. Iris went over to him and asked him about it. "What are you so happy about?" He turned to see who it was and smiled even wider when he saw Iris.

"Just something that's about to happen." He turned his head back to the direction he was looking before. Iris followed his eyes and saw Lando drunkenly climb on a table. "Oh god." Iris said to George. "I'm gonna go help him so he doesn't fall off."

He just wanted to start talking when Iris called his name and caught his attention. "What are you doing up there?" "I'm gonna announce we're getting married, can't you see?" "Why now? Can't we just keep it to ourselves for a little longer? And if anyone asks we'll confirm but not like this. Now come down please, babe." He pouted and acted like a child but he came down anyway.

After making him drink a lot of water to sober up, Iris thought it would be better to take Lando to the hotel room.

They changed into pyjamas and got ready for bed. Iris came out of the bathroom first and when Lando came out, he held open his arms for her. He hugged her and put his chin on top of her head. The only sound that could be heard was the soft music coming from Iris' phone.

It were little moments like these, when they just enjoyed each other's company without saying anything, that kept them together for four years. And hopefully so many more.


This was the last chapter unfortunately, but I felt like the story needed to come at an end at some point. I want to thank every single one of you reading this because this got way more success than expected. I also want to thank everyone that commented on chapters or specific parts. I love you all.

Jealous - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now