ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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"So, this is Lando." Iris said while she sat down. "Hi Lando, I'm Hazel." "And I'm Abby, also known as the hot one of the group." "Why would you be the hot one if I'm the only one who's in a relationship?" "Being in a relationship doesn't mean you're hotter than us." "I'm sorry, but I have to disagree." Lando chipped in. "Aww thanks babe." Abby made sounds as if she was going to throw up.

"So, Lando, what went wrong in your past relationships?" Abby asked. "Abby! You can't ask that!" Iris said and gave her an angry look. "No it's fine, I understand. What you probably want to know is that I have never cheated on an ex, also never been cheated on. I don't have contact with any of them anymore cause we never even had a very strong bond. I guess they were mostly just with me for the fame." Iris' face dropped and she took his hand under the table. She decided not to say anything now, but talk about it when they were alone.

"I feel like you guys have been asking me questions all afternoon, it's time that we flip the tables. So let's start with you Abby. It seems you're the boldest of the group, why?" Lando was very straightforward. "I guess it started with wanting attention when I was a kid. My brother was always the one that got attention cause the poor kid fell off his bike again, or he ran into a wall or the corner of the table. That was my way of demanding my parents' attention." Abby was very honest to the boy she only knew for an hour. "So you and your brother don't get along?" "Well, you don't get along with Theo either. So I think you can understand me."

"Wait, that dickhead is your brother?" Lando said in astonishment. "Yes, and I'm not proud of it." "But how does that work on family dinners and holidays? I mean, if it's a cousin or something you can ignore them but a brother is going to be hard if you go home to your parents." "That's where my family is different: my parents divorced when I was eleven. My dad went to Monaco to try and get rich, but he's still trying. And my mum took care of us for a few more years until she started a new family." "I'm so sorry for you." Lando genuinely was. "Don't be, I love being on my own."

"And Hazel, what's your lifestory? Any siblings that I could hate?" "I'm only child so no siblings at all. There's nothing much to know about me." "I don't believe that." "There really is nothing to know, I'mvery boring." "There must be something. Iris and Abby? Anything you can think of about her?" "She's the best dancer you've ever seen, but she never admits it." "Nooo, I am not that good. Stop telling people, they get their expectations up." "And still you're better that what they expect." "I need to see that then. One day."

"There are videos on your instagram right?" Iris asked and she opened her instagram when Hazel nodded shyly. They watched the video together and Abby was constantly shifting in her chair. "Why are you so shy? This is great. Did you go to a dance school or something?" "I've been dancing ever since I can remember. I did go to a school, but that was only a few hours a week. Now I'm studying dance, so I can dance as much as I want." "Cool, what do you want to reach with it?" "I guess being as famous as possible and hopefully make enough money to take care of myself. Any advise as somebody who has reached their goal?"

"The ultimate goal hasn't been reached, I'm not world champion yet but my advise would be to take small steps and not aim too high from the beginning. You just always have to have that ultimate goal in the back of your head." "Wise words from a wise man." Abby said. "Wise? Lando? Don't make me laugh." Iris joked. "As if you're so smart. I'm way smarter than you." "Even if you are, I beat your ass twice in karting."

Abby and Hazel were baffled. "You actually beat him a second time?" Abby asked. "Of course I did. He keeps underestimating me, that's his weakness. And he's not too good at making me break defence." "Don't get cocky, it's still your own track." "You're just sad your own girfriend can beat you at your own job." Hazel said.

They went back home and started making dinner together. Iris remembered she wanted to talk about Lando's exes. He pulled out of her thoughts when he asked what she was thinking about. "I feel so sorry for you that your exes were like that. Now I understand the conversation you wanted to have on our first date." "Yeah, I just didn't want three relationships ending like that." "I hope you know I'm not like that by now." "I already knew that when you kissed me then." "Should we repeat that then?"

Thanks again for reading, it keeps fascinating me where you all come from. (If you didn't know. I can see how much of my readers are in each country.) Don't forget to vote if you like this story.

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