4. 💙Peter Parker x SMR

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So... I love him I really do... But I need to put something out there... He is 5'6... He is my hight!! And Kenma's!!

Au; Tony is alive bc I chose he is!!
Requested; by mee!! I just wanted to see how this will go...

Name; M/N Stark


Hight; 5'11

Hair; dirty blonde

Eyes; blue

Length; 9in/12in

Hehe ik his real and this is anime but I don't give a shit! Real ppl aren't as pretty!INFO!!You are Tony's oldest son your Morgan's older brother, you look more like your mom, you and peter have been dating for 7 months you both have gone down and...

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Hehe ik his real and this is anime but I don't give a shit! Real ppl aren't as pretty!
You are Tony's oldest son your Morgan's older brother, you look more like your mom, you and peter have been dating for 7 months you both have gone down and dirty before, and ur parents know ur dating. You don't have any powers you are just really smart and rich and you build suits.
Sry about any typos!!
Your POV

I wake up by my annoying little sister that is quite literally jumping on me... "Morgan..."

"M/N!! Dad told me to wake you up! Because your late!!"

"Late? Late for what?"

"He said you need to do stuff" I sigh and get up. I walk to the bathroom and brish my teeth, clean my face ya know the normal shit...

Then I go to the kitchen to see my dad drinking coffee and... Talking to his AI... "Dad... What am iI late to exactly?"

"Oh! M/N! Good morning Prince beauty! Did you sleep good?"

".... It's not funny..."

"Yes it is! Anyways I need help!"

"And what does the great Tony Stark needs from the oh so humble M/N Stark?"

"I need you to flirt-"


"You didn't even let me finish..."

"I hqve a boyfriend, I'm gay, I don't like woman the way you do..."


"Who did you want me to flirt with dad?"


"Even if I agreed, she won't want me dad... She knows I'm gay..."

".... You could try..."

"And miserably fail like you did right now! Now you sent Morgan to wake me up, I didn't have my morning coffee which I'm in desperate need of and I didn't eat anything and peter askes me to see him but before that I have to go to Thor and Cap to get the measurements for their suits..."

"Wow... You have a busy day son..."

"And what do you have to do? Talk to J.A.R.V.I.S. all day?"

"What about your AI?"

"They have a name you know..."

"And the name is...?"

"I've told you thousand times and you still cannot remember? It's Train!"

"Yes sir? Did you need anything?"

"No Train, it's nothing..."

"Sure, would you like me to text Captain and Thor your going to come by today?"

"Yes that would be amazing..."

"Their smart... N E ways! What did they wanted you to do? Cuz usually Thor doesn't take a suite from ppl like us..."

"He liked my style, he said 'it's nothing like your father! I love it, can you make me a suite?!' and then Cap overheard and wanted one too seeing his suite is gone..."

"Oh cool... So he doesn't like my style..."

Skip to you and peter at a hotel~ 3TD person POV

M/N is laying on the bed with no shirt on, and Peter have his head on M/N's chest, asleep. M/N is playing with Peter's hair with one hand and reading fanfics on the other. Peter's arms are around
M/N's torso, some music was playing in the background. The both of them have been planning on moving in together, they just need to find a place that is comfort for both of them, for example M/N wants a place not that far from his dad, and Peter wants a place not that far from his aunt. May did say she wants to move to NYC to live closer to Peter so that's good...

M/N is giving Peter's head kisses and from time to time kisses his forehead. "Mmm, baby..."


"Did you find a place?"

"Yeah I found three and they are all next to eachother..."

"Mmm, that's nice... Do you want to see them and maybe aunt May can live in one of 'em?"

"Yeah, do you want to go now?"

"After nap time..."

"Ok baby, sleep~"

Moments later (5 minutes later)

Peter got up and kiss M/N's lips passionately. "Good morning!"

"Baby, it's 3 p.m. do you want to go now?"



"Aunt May, I think you'll really like this apartment, it's cozy and it's got 2 bedrooms if someone wants to sleep over, also it's pretty cheap!"

"How cheap?"

"3000 a month without water and electricity."

"Ok, and your apartment? How far away?"

"A five minute walk."

"And when are you moving there?"

"Next week, when do you want to move?"

"In a week or so..."

"Ok I'll tell M/N! He said he'll pay the first month!"

"Oh he doesn't need to!"

"He said he insists..."

"Well then, ok I'll drive to your house so you'll help me!"

"Ok aunt May!"

Sry it's cringey... Like it wasn't requested I just really wanted to see where my mind (that usually thinks of smutt) to just make fluff when I'm sad and horny... Well! Hope ya liked it, if you didn't it's ok! I get it.... Also REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! PLEASE DO REQUEST!!
N E ways love y'all stay safe ❣️

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