15.🍋Touya x Dom!UMR

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I just saw this request and I already had an amazing idea but! I didn't have a character... So I combined the request with the idea!

Au; yes no power
Requested; yep
Name: my hero academia/Boku no hero academia
Proofread? Did ya guess it? Yeah non I didn't!

Name; M/N L/N


Hight; 5'7

Hair; light gray, long

Eyes; bluish gary

Length; 5in/6.5in

Oooo so pretty (。•̀ᴗ-)✧INFO!!

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Oooo so pretty (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

You and Touya have been dating for 5 years the two of you love eachother~ and he is subb in this!! Also be ready to get down and dirty~

Touya's POV

I'm currently on the bed with my hands tight behind my back, my boyfriend is Infront of me, naked fingering himself, my dick in standing taller then a fucking wood... "M/N... Please~" he stops his movement and takes his fingers out from his swollen pink hole and turns around to me, he strandles me and kisses me. But pulles away too early for my liking "tasty~" he says and kisses down my jaw line then my neck and when he nibbles on a specific spot right about my colour bone my breath hitches he smirks and kisses that spot and bite on it.

"Tell me what you want Touya~ do you want me to give you a.... Blowjob? Do you want me to... Ride you?-" at the idea of him riding me I nod my head fast he giggles and kisses my lips, "mmm~ good choice~" he says and sits up, he then takes hold of my dick and slowly sits on it. "Mmm~ who is the dirtyer one of us~? The one that rides? Or the one that wants someone to ride him like two bunnies in heat?~" He asks and goes all the way down my shaft. "ARGH~~!!" I moan/scream he immediately start to go up and down at a fast pace that gets faster and faster with every second. His hands go to my shoulders to balance himself I guess...

2ND person POV

You can feel him twitch in you so you go faster and faster and you can feel yourself close as well. You wrap your hands around his neck and bring him closer for a kiss, he muffles your moans in the kiss, you feel a really tight knot in your stomach and break the kiss when the knot breaks and you cum all over yourself and his abdomen, just from the feeling of tightness around his memmber he cums deep deep in your ass.

You get up and take his
(huge( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) dick out of your ass, and cum spills out you tight hole. You moan a little at the feeling and collapse on him, you take a hair tie and tie the top half of your hair up. Then you release him from the bends on his hands and hug him.

"I love you..."

"Mmm, I love you too M/N" he says andbthe both of you fall asleep in eachothers arms, covered in cum and sweaty.

Wow! 2 in a week! That is amazing ᕙ(@°▽°@)ᕗ ok! Please do Request! Love y'all stay safe ❣️

Male Character X Male Reader (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now