18.🍋jealous Gojo x UMR

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Can y'all believe it?! It's another lemon! Also sry if it's horrible/cringey, I don't usually do this kind of stories...

Au; I don't think so...
Requested; yes and they asked not to be tagged
Name: jjk
Proofread? No obviously

Name; M/N L/N


Hight; 5'7

Hair; brown

Eyes; brown

Length; 5in/5.5in

Basic but hot

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Basic but hot.
You and Itadori are bsf and you and Gojo are dating, Gojo doesn't like the fact that the both of you are always together...
Gojo's POV

I walk outside to the garden to see what Itadori has been doing, I gave him an exercise to practice on.
I get out and see my boyfriend and Itadori laughing and I guess just playing together... Like I know they are only friends but... Still best friends aren't that close... Why are they always together... Why isn't he with me right now... D-does he not love me anymore... What if he doesn't... No! He does! He tells me that every fucking day. "N/N!!" I say and go to them. He turns around and his beautiful face is smiling at me, not Itadori. "Hey baby! How are you?"

"Disappointed, Itadori I told you to train!"

"I know b-but... Fine..." He gets up and continues with his training. I look down at M/N "hey, come here" I say and take hold of his hand "Itadori! Take a break! We'll continue tomorrow!" I yell back to him and take M/N to my dorm. "What are you doing... W-why do you have that....?" He asks refuring to the cuffs and cock ring in my hands "you have been a bad boy M/N, and I'm going to punish you~" I smirk at him.

2ND person POV

He cuffs you and takes lobe and puts it on his fingers then he starts to finger you painfully slow. "Ah~~ fuck right there baby~"

"That's not my name~" he says and stops his movement. But you just shut up. Then he pushes on your prostate, "ahh~~ Daddy~~" you moan and he smirks and keeps on thrusting his fingers in and out of your ass.  "Ahh~~ mmm~~ fuck Daddy~~ I'm gonna cumm~~" you moan and he decides this is the best time for punishment. He takes out the cock ring and puts it on your  reddish pink memmber. "Ahh~~ what did you do that for?!~" you say between moans. "I already told you darling, you've been a bad boy~"

"What d-did I do~?"

"Think for yourself~ you did it" he says and you start thinking... What did you do? You did nothing the past week... All you did was, hangout with Itadori, help Itadori with some of his things, teach Itadori a new move...oh... "Wait wait! I didn't mean it~! His just my friend~~! I'm sorry Daddy~" you say but it's too late. His already mad and jealous... And you know that.

"Your still getting punished" he says and shove his dick in your ass, not even waiting for you to adjust and already thrusting in you. Avoiding one specific spot. "Ahh~~ Daddy~~ please make me feel good~ I'm begging~~ I need it~" you beg him to ruin you and abuse your prostate. "Ok~ baby" he says and pulls out and thrust in with inhuman force directly at your prostate. "A-AHH~~ KYAA~~!! MMM~~ fuck Daddy right there~~ ahh~~ more~ more~~" you moan/scream.  He keeps on that speed to more not less. "You want more? Beg for it~"

"Daddy please ruin me~ I need your big thicc cock to punish me~" you beg yet again "mm~ only because you asked so nicely" he says and increase the speed, force. Now his thrusts are rugh, fast and pleasurable. You keep on moaning his name over and over again.

"Ahh~~ fuck Daddy, I love you so so so much~!" You moan and he smiles. "Ahh~~ Daddy please let me cumm~~"

"Ok" he says and takes the ring off and then you immediately cum all over yourself, then he cums deep in you from the tightness around his memmber. He pulls out of you and you collapse on the bed and fall asleep on the spot. He then went to get a towel to clean himself and you up and after that he puts boxers on himself and goes to get pain killers and a cup of water and puts it next to your bed.

Skip- to the morning

You wake up and your in Gojo's hands. Then you look to the side and smile he always does that after sex, he puts pain killers next the bed for you. You slowly get up witha lot of pain in your lower part, and take 2 pain killers form the box and drink them down then you go back to cuddle Gojo till the pain is less noticeable.

A few minutes after the Pain killers start to work and Gojo start to wake up. "Hey sleepyhead~ how are you?"

"I'm ok, but how are you?"

"I'm better, I took 2 pills so I'm better" you say and smile at him, your one of the only ppl that saw his eyes that are oh so beautiful, you can ster at them forever and not be bored you always get lost in those eyes. "N/N?"

"Huh? Oh sorry was I staring?"

"Yeah, you always do star at my eyes..."

"You know why? Because they are so beautiful, I always get lost in them..." You say and he blushes a bit and you smile.

He is literally sunshine! Also should I make an Eren x UMR x Armin cuz I have an amazing Idea for it!! Ok love y'all stay safe ❣️

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