20. ❤️Itachi-SFW❤️

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This is just a little bit of haed cannons that I am sure that Itachi would do!(this is x UMR!)

•his def a switch, verse. Idk why I just get that feeling from him...

Doesn't look like it but his a cinnamon roll!!

He loves it when you Cuddle to his chest

When he gets hurt, you always help him and clean him up.

He will not wait for you, if he wants something he will get it, he wants ass? He will get it but like not in a rape kinda way...

‼️IN BED‼️

He loves it when your Vocal!! He loves it when you call him dirty names and tell him how good it is.


He has: daddy kink, Dirty names, praise.


His favourite: Face-off, Doggy Style, Pretzel Dip, Flatiron, G-whiz, Cowgirls helper, Leap Frog, Missionary, Upstanding Citizen, Woman Astride.

If you don't know them and your under 14 plz don't Google 'em...


ᗪIᖇTY OᑎᗴՏ

For him: Daddy~, Itachi!! ((T_T) kill me)

For ya: baby boy~ ,darling (murder me I don't care how just do itt

ᑎOᖇᗩᒪ OᑎᗴՏ (I actually love this Font)

For him: bby, Ita, honey.

For ya: love, darling, Prince, beauty. (Just imagine him saying it! "Beauty, come here!")

Do I have a story time for you ppl!! So my mother comes to my apartment bc mother's Day and shit, and she looks at me and Luke and she goes, "oh, both of you are black" were both wearing black shirts and she says that and she laughs so hard!! And like me and Luke look at her like 'u good?' And she won't stop laughing!! Oh and yesterday Luke came back home with... You won't believe it! A shiggy pop!! It's adorable!! N E ways love y'all stay safe ❣️

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