~Sick Days~ MC x Donnie

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Donnie POV
Being sick is the worst.Just the WORST.I've never ever gotten sick when I was little,but now that I'm sick today is unfortunate and a bit odd.

Growing up when my brothers got sick,I would always read books on sicknesses and learn how to cure them.I was always the caretaker when my brothers were sick and when splinter was busy.

My brother know how to take care of themselves but when sick,it comes with a few mishaps.Leo,the oldest turtle, is completely unresponsive when ill. He sleeps the whole time and it's a little hard to wake him up to eat or take something to get better.Reminiscing memories of the past where Mikey would draw on Leo's face.

Raph,the second oldest,he gets unusually friendly when sick. You can even ask Ghost because he is kinda an expert on medicine too. But it's the easier I take care of Raph.We all know Raph is a hothead but a softie once you get to know him.Being sick is best way to see his soft side for us.

Mikey,the energetic brother of the family,LOVES to be sick.This is a weird trait about Mikey.Why? He loves to be taken care of.Although he complains a little too much,he loves to be taken care of as I said before.

But today isn't my day.I have a runny nose,a sore throat and a migraine. Believe it or not this is one of the few times I've been sick. But when I am ill,MC is always there to take care of me. He is so sweet and a trouble maker.

I'm laying in bed groaning because of my head. "Mmmhh, my head". As I toss and turn in my bed I hear the door open. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" I sat and up and looked up to see MC. "At the moment, not good". MC chuckles and walks over to me. "Well, I'll do anything to make my baby feel better." He leans over to give me a kiss. And of course, I kissed back. I feel him pull away as he turns to get up. "I'm gonna get you some medicine from the cabinet downstairs.Let's start with that sore throat,ok?"

"Ok, I love you", I say than hold my throat. I think I strained to much. "I love you too Donnie", he gives me another kiss before he goes downstairs. Like I said,MC is sweet. Not a moment later, he walks in with a glass of Theraflu and soup.
(Just to let you guys know Theraflu is actually real medicine for a sore throat.Even though it's not pleasant to drink,it helps.And I think Theraflu is actually spelled how I spelled it idk.Chile anyways back to the story)

I took a sip of the drink and wanted to puke instantly. "I know it's gross,but it helps". He is right because I have taken care of MC when he's sick and same as Ghost. Rebel and Swift help out too even though they don't much about medicine.

A few minutes later, the drink was all gone and my throat started to feel a little bit better. "Rebel made you some soup and he hopes you like it.Anything that Mikey or Rebel cooks is delicious. "Thank you", I said making sure to not strain my throat again. After a while, the soup was all gone because MC made me eat it slowly. The next thing he gave me were pills and a glass of water.

After I took the pills, drowsiness started to cloud my mind and my vision was getting blurry. "MC, I'm tired", I said as I started to rub my eyes. "How bout you take a nap, and sleep that headache off"', MC said as he laid me down on the bed. "Ok..." was that thing I said as I drifted off to sleep.

Next morning, my throat and head feel so much better. I have a wonderful boyfriend to thank for taking care of me. As I wake up and finished getting dressed, I hear coughing and vomiting from the bathroom. Looking worried, I ran in to see MC puking his guts out. I must have gotten him sick. I stand behind MC and rub his back while he pukes his guts out.

After he finishes, I help him up to our room and pull the covers over him. "I'm sorry for getting you sick baby," I said sadly hoping he's not mad. "It's ok babe, I'll be fine". He said as he puked into the trash can right beside his bed. "Now it's my turn to take car of you.I'll show you all the love you showed me yesterday.". I hugged him and kissed his forehead. "Thank you baby,I appreciate that", MC says after he drifts off to sleep. Today might be a long day but it's gonna be worth it taking care of MC.

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