Sweet little things- ALL THE SHIPS

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Mc x Donnie
Mc loves Donnie to death and would do anything for him. Donnie's birthday is coming up and wanted to get his boyfriend something special. He always wanted to make Donnie feel special everyday. So he did the sweetest thing ever. He was gonna give him a promise ring. Mc went to the Jewelry stores but couldn't find one that brings out donnie's beauty. So he finally went to (INSERT JEWELRY STORE HERE) to buy a ring. But there was one ring Mc wanted in particular. This ring was definitely the one. It was one sale for 10,000 dollars. Mc had lots of money on his hand so he bought it. When he finally got home he saw Donnie on his phone in their bedroom. "Baby can you put your eyes on me for a sec". He looked up from his phone and look at Mc holding a purple plush velvet box. "Baby what are you doing", Donnie asked. "You know I love you right."
"And you know I would do anything for you right"
"Even though I'm not ready for marriage yet I wanna give my full commitment to you before we are truly ready"
Mc opens the box and Donnie started to tear up
"Donatello Hamato, would make me the happiest turtle in the world and show your commitment in return"

"Yes yes"
Mc slipped the ring on donnie's finger. Mc stood up and brought him into a passionate kiss.

Raph x Ghost
Even though Raph never likes to admit but he likes when ghost cuddles him. Whenever he's frustrated or Leo is getting on his nerves, ghost cuddles him. He secretly loves them. One day someone really pissed Raph off to the max. Raph just needed some alone time. Ghost wasn't having that. He burst in the room and Raph looks up. They both share a glance that's said one thing 'CUDDLES'. Ghost climbed into the bed with him and spooned him from behind. Raph scooted closer to ghost as they cuddles in each other's warmth.

Leo x Rebel

Leo loves to help Rebel in everything. Rebel finds this so adorable about Leo. Whenever he cooks something, Leo is the taste tester for everything. They sometimes kiss while sharing food. One day Leo wasn't around to help Rebel and this worried him. He came looking for Leo and found him sitting in their room with a sad look on his face. "What's wrong baby?", Rebel asked. "Do you think I'm annoying?", Leo said as he looks up at Rebel, tears brimming his eyes. "What no baby! I'm never annoyed with you. You are always around to help me even though when I'm in need. You are the best part of my day. Please don't feel like you are annoying because you're not, ok". Leo then wipes his eyes and says "thank you Rebel". They both share a passionate kiss as they walk to the kitchen.

I was trying to get at The Lady and The Tramp movie for them eating together with a kiss

Mikey x Swift (I usually see Mikey as a bottom but for this one he's gonna be a top)

Whenever they have their little fun, Mikey agrees to massage swift's back afterwards. This time Mikey went too hard on swift and it left him aching. Mikey tried to come up with a way to apologize and he finally did it. He bought swift his favorite snack and drinks and a little plushie form his childhood shows he loved. When Mikey got back, swift was already asleep. "Baby wake up I have something for you", Mikey whispered sweetly in his ear. Swift slowly woke out of slumber. "Hi Mikey, what goin on?". Mikey showed all the stuff from behind his back and swift teared up and got up despite the pain in his rear. He hugged him and Mikey hugged back. They shared a kiss as Mikey had fed swift one of his snacks.

I'm such a single pringle 🥺😞☹️

Caesar x Anthony

Caesar is the jealous type whenever someone gets too close to Anthony. Sometimes he gets to mad to even cuddle Anthony afterwards. So he bought a plushie to keep as a little Anthony while he sleeps. Anthony thought this was cute but after a awhile he got jealous. He got upset that Caesar didn't cuddle him. One day he got tired of this plushie. He walked upstairs to see Caesar on his phone while holding the plushie. He threw the plushie on the ground and popped on the bed to lay on Caesar's chest. Caesar chuckled as he kisses Anthony all over his face and his lips. They was not gonna let some plushie get in the way of their love for one another.

If you're wondering what the ring looks like for the Mc x Donnie part here it is

If you're wondering what the ring looks like for the Mc x Donnie part here it is

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