Mikey x Ghost - Hospital Visits

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Hi guys!! I'm sorry that I have not been updating for like six months.Life has just been a mess for me andmy motivation has been lagging.I've also been finding inspiration for my books so they could be more detailed. I've finally come up with a story for you guys and now I'm finally back in the business of updating so get ready to see more from me. Ok now on to the story.

Ghost was never the type to be romantic.He's has always tried his best even if he thought it wasn't enough.But this he felt that he had to try his hardest.He wanted to everything for his lover to make him feel a warm welcome and loved.

All of sudden the accident came up.Mikey had gotten into an accident on the way home where he ended up getting his knee broken.He was also lucky to have bumps and bruises and an almost cracked skull.When Ghost heard the news,he rushed as fast as he could to the hospital along with his brother and their lovers.The panic he felt was suffocating like a pillow.As they made it to the hospital,the feeling in his chest only got worse.

"He'll be fine Ghost,stop worrying", Leo said to comfort the nervous turtle. They waited for at least 2 hours then a doctor came into the middle of the waiting room.

"Is the family of Michelangelo Hamato here?", the doctor asked.Leo and the others stood up and walked over with Ghost in front of the pack. "Yes that's us", Ghost said in a deep voice with a hint of worry.

"How is he Doc," Raphael said.Even he was nervous.Even though he plays around with Mikey a lot, he still cares for him and loves all his brothers...even though he will never admit.

"It's not as bad as we thought it would be.He does have a broken knee and we just did surgery on him.He was very lucky to have made it here after the crash.He has a chance of walking again but he will need to take it easy after a month or so."

The family let out a sigh of relief as they heard the news. "Mr.Hamato is in room 245.He is awake at the moment and anxious to meet you guys"

"Thank you Doctor",they all said in unison.As they all made it to room 245 after what felt like hours to Ghost,they open the door to see Mikey awake and on his phone.He looked over to see his family.

"Hey guys! Where have you all been?!", Mikey said enthusiastically. Donnie,Leo and Raph as with their lovers chucked as they hear him yell.He is obviously happy to see them.

"How's your knee",Swift asked while trying to make conversation. "It's doing ok but I don't really have feeling in it but otherwise."

"We were worried about you Mikey,even Ghost almost went into a panic attack after he heard what happened to you", Donnie said.

Mikey's aquamarine orbs looked at Ghost who was standing in a corner with a slight blush on his face.He took a few glances at Mikey and then back into space. The orange clad turtle has a small smile at his face as he looked up at his family.He gave them the signal that he wanted to talk to Ghost alone.

Leo gave him a look that said 'are you sure?'. When the brothers were little,each other hen always had a way of communication.Raph and Donnie uses hands as communication while Mikey and Leo used eyes and facial expressions.This routine came in handy especially when they couldn't talk to each other face to face about personal things.

Mikey gave a reassuring look back that said 'yes I'm sure'. As all rest of them left the room,Mikey and his punk lover finally had the chance to talk.

There was silence for at least a few minutes until one tried to speak up. "Hi baby is...everything ok",Mikey asked worried about Ghost mental state.He wondered if Ghost must have really been worried about him all this time. Ghost walked closer to the hospital bed and placed a hand on Mikey's cheek.
"Yes I'm fine", he said as Mikey nuzzled into his head with a soft purr.

The room felt into silence once more but a comfortable, relaxing silence.Mikey then felt the unexpected.He saw tears pouring down his face and some ran onto his hand. "Hey what's wrong Ghost", Mikey said in a comforting voice while urging Ghost to sit on the bed.

"*Hic* I thought I lost you *Hic*", his voice broken with hiccups. Mikey had as sorrowful look on his face while he watched Ghost cry.Watching his lover break down like this made him want to bawl as well.
"If I lost you,I don't know what I'd do", Ghost said while his breath became hasty and the tears clouding his vision.

"Hey Ghost can you lion up at me please?". Mikey but his fingers under his lover's chin while he was still crying his eyes out.

"Ghost, you will never lose me.No matter how many times I get hurt or if we are miles apart from each other, you will never ever lose me, ok?"

The purple punk nodded with slay breaths.He wanted to lay in Mikey's chest so he could listen to his heartbeat.Whenever Ghost need reassurance, he always laid down next to his lover and listen to his breathing or his heartbeat.Mikey thought of this as sweet and adorable.

He gave a 'can I' look at Mikey and of course he agreed. He slowly got on the bed taking mins to his injured knee.As he laid down, Mikey rubbed his back and planted little kisses on his forehead. Soon enough, Ghost was snoring lightly while his head still on lover's chest.Mikey smiled at Ghost and soon fell asleep himself.

A few days later,Mikey got released from the hospital to go back home.Ghost was able to pick him up and take him home.Prior to them leaving the hospital,they went to the front desks and asked for Mikey's medication.

When they finally got his meds, they left the hospital.On the road and probably for the rest of his life,the purple punk took a valuable lesson with him.No matter where he goes, his lover will always be there for him.

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