kiss kiss fall in love

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(Hajime and Nagito are driving to the spot)

Hajime's pov:

I was looking out of the window of Nagito's car. The sky was already pretty dark. In the background was some song playing. I looked at nagito. He seems to be pretty concetrated... I kept staring at him. He does not even notice me staring at him. He looks hot when he drives.

I unconsciously started smiling. I don't know him really long, but I fell so safe and nice around him... I continued to stare at him, hoping he wouldn't notice.

(20 min timeskip)

"We're here!" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to my friend. "yeah," I smiled shyly and got out of the car. He did as well and started walking to a bench.
He sat on it and gestured me to follow. I quickly speed walked to the white haired boy.
"So..." He began shyly. "Do you like it here?"

In front of us was a rather small river, where a few swan swam around. The water was really clear and It looked like small diamonds were swimming in the water. The sky had beautiful red and orange color shades. A few birds were chirping as they disappeared in the distance. It looked peaceful and nice.

"You don't like it, don't you? I knew I shouldn't have taken you here," "No it's beautiful, nagito!" I smiled at him. He blushed and smiled as well. "O-okay..."

For a while we just sat there, watching a little swan family searching for food in the water. >_< (dead fishis)

I leaned my head onto his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt him flinch slightly but don't push me off. "Are you tired? Do you want to go home?" Asked he. "Mmh... No... It's cozy here." He nodded. He laid his head on mine and we just stayed like this for a while.



I titled my head up, to look into his grey-green eyes. He's so beautiful.
I didn't realized that my head was moving more and more to Nagito's face. With every Inch I moved his cheeks grew rosier I want to kiss him. Should I? I could just back away now and look at his flustered face for a while... Hm, Imma go kiss him... I softly placed my lips onto his. After two seconds I backed away and smiled at him shyly. A blush covered our cheeks.

"I-is this okay..?" Asked I and looked hesitantly at his red face. He nodded, eyes stuck to the ground.

Nagito's pov:

Omg omg omg omg- am I dreaming?! Did hajime just-? OMG OMG OMG I'm so bdidgdixysjdbjdbdjdhwijwn. I felt pressure on my shoulder. I looked to my right and saw hajime laying his head back onto my shoulder. He's so close >_<. SJSBSH HE LOOKS SO CUTE. How do I deserve him I cracked a smile and laid my head on his.


It was really dark by now. Probably around midnight and hajime and I were still sitting on the pastel green bench. "Hajime?" Asked I. No response. I looked at the face of the boy who was sitting next to me. Hm he is sleeping... I should drive him home. I carefully to not wake him up grabbed him by his neck and knees, holding him in bridal-style. I walked over to my car.

I opened the door and laid hajime on the backseats. He murmed something about Kusamochi, but was still asleep. He was probably dreaming. I closed the door and walked around the car to the front door. I opened it and sat on the driver's seat. I started the car and drove to Hajime's address.

Word count: 623
Date: 15.04.21
Edited: 23.05.22

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