Chapter 11:

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Prim's P.O.V.

"Prim! How was training?" I couldn't deal with her anymore, but I knew if I snapped at her, I'd never hear the end of it. "It was fine. I nearly drown using the new swimy...thing." Smooth Prim, smooth. "Oh. Well, that's..." She trailed off. I just ignored it and started walking to my room. "Hurry and change. Dinner will be ready soon!" I nodded in response and turned down the corridor. When I finally reached my room, I went to the "closet" and picked a random outfit. "This will be fine." I ran to the shower and simply washed my hair. After I got dressed, I walked back to the living room and sat down. Suddenly feeling drowsy, I laid down and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I was out.


Peeta's P.O.V. (Surprise motherf*ckers!)

I walked out my room on my way to the kitchen and saw Prim asleep on the couch, stopping me in my tracks. She looked nothing like Katniss, but she looked about as cute. I remember when I first saw Katniss.

I saw her from behind my mother, and I felt bad. I ran back to the oven, and dropped the bread. I knew she needed it. My mother came in screaming, "That was good bread! Stupid boy!"

She managed to grab the loaves and thrust them into my arms. "Go feed it to the pigs!" She whacked me and went back to the front of the store. I tore off small chunks and looked at Katniss to see her looking at the bread.

After checking to make sure mom wasn't looking, I threw the bread to her, and walked back inside.

When I saw her as an avox, it took all my strength not to break down knowing I'd never hear her voice again. Knowing I wouldn't be able to come home to her. Knowing there was no chance of having a life with her.

Shortly after Prim left, I followed suit, seeing as I knew I couldn't take much more of straight facing it. I bolted to my room, and shut the door. I ended up staying there the whole night.

I snapped back to reality and looked at sleeping Prim. In a split second decision, I picked her up and carried her back to her room. "Good night Prim." I shut her door and walked back to the dining room for dinner.


Prim's P.O.V.

I woke up the next day to the same sharp rapping on the door. "Time to wake up! The final day of training and the day to show your skills!" I groaned and threw the blankets off me. Wait- I know I didn't fall asleep here. I definitely fell asleep on the couch. One of the avoxes must've moved me. Deciding firmly that was the answer, I fully got out of bed and got dressed for possibly the longest day of my life.

Aww....cute Peeta and Prim moment. Yay! I'm literally typing this upside down bc my phone is all bugged out. So....that's all for now.... I promise I'm alive so don't fret. BAI!


The Hunger Games: Prim's ReapingWhere stories live. Discover now