Chapter 13:

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Prim's P.O.V.

I watched Peeta walk through the doors and sighed. I don't know why, but I felt even more depressed. If the games weren't enough to make me feel bad, I feel like something else went wrong. I don't know what, but I just...feel it. I must've been really deep in thought because before I knew it, my name was called.

"District 12: Female Primrose Everdeen- Your session will now begin.

I stood up and stretched, my legs being stiff from no use in a long time. I walked towards the double doors and right before I pushed them open, they were pulled apart and revealed a room the same size, if not bigger, than the training room. It had all the same equipment, but there was a balcony with 10 or 12 people watching me. I took a deep breath and walked over to the spear station, bow and arrow station, and other stations like knot tying, edible plants, and after a few minutes, I was dismissed. I nodded and walked out of the room, swiftly heading for the elevator. 

I pressed the number 12 and turned to watch the city as I went up. It was definitely beautiful, with all the candy colored buildings and freakish people. I shudder as I look at the dozens of citizens who surgically turn their skin blue or implant cat whiskers just for fun or to be fashionable. 

I reach my floor and Effie tells me I can go to my room and relax. I nod and walk to my room. As soon as I shut the door, I changed and fell asleep.


~Time Skip~

A little while later, I hear Effie knocking on my door and telling me to come eat dinner. I sit up and take in my surroundings. My room was dark and I could see the lights in the capitol through the glass wall. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and got out of the bed, slowly waddling to the door.

I open the door and I'm immediately blinded by the lights. After adjusting, I continue walking to the kitchen.

"Oh. Hello sleepy head! Up up up! After dinner, they're going to announce the scores from the observations! Aren't you excited?!" I nodded as enthusiastically as I could, considering she'd screamed in my ear and I was still half asleep.

I quickly served myself dinner, but I just pushed the food around my plate, seeing as I was already nervous and I hadn't seen Katniss at all in the past couple of days. All these thoughts swirled in my head and I ended up not eating as when the scores were to be announced, my plate was taken from me and I was pulled over to the television and it was turned on, revealing a freakish man in all blue. His hair and suit were blue, he had on blue eye makeup, and from what I could tell, his skin had a blue tint to it.

"That's Caeser Flickerman." I hear Effie whisper to me.

"He's the most popular host in the capitol. He's been the host since the 65th games and every year, he changes the color he wears."

Wow. Weird much, I think to myself.

Well, then again, isn't everyone here? I shake my thoughts away and stare at the screen, vaguely listening.

"Welcome to the 74th annual Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor." He puts emphasis on certain words while looking directly at the camera, making me feel like he's watching me. It gave me the creeps.

"Now, as many of you know, today was the game-maker observations. And here, in my hand, I have the tributes's scores. Shall we?" The audience cheers and some people scream 'yes' at him.

"Okay, ladies first. The district 1 female, Glimmer, got a score of-" I tuned out most of the scores, not really caring. When they got to district 11, I started listening again.

"District 11 female- Rue with a score of-" They flashed a picture of a girl no older than me, followed by her score. "10! Well done, Ms. Rue." Hmm, I wonder what she did to get a score that high... "District 11 male- Thresh with a score of-" Thresh truly looked intimidating. He looked about 18 or even 19 and very tall. "11. Watch out for him in the arena, folks."

Finally, they got to District 12, and I began getting nervous. "District 12 female- Primrose with a score of-" I got very tense all of a sudden, wanting to run away and not even know my score. "10. She may be small, but she is a force to be reckoned with." My mind went blank and I remember loud applause and pats on the back. Peeta had gotten a score of 10 as well and we all cheered, celebrating our scores. I smiled for them, but inside, I felt tired and drained.

I asked if I could go to bed and Effie said, "Why of course! Tomorrow is the interview so we need to get up early to practice! Good night dearie!" With that, I trudged back to my room, showered, and laid down, attempting to sleep.


He you guys! so here s another update! I hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to vote, comment, and share my story. and i know i just came back from break, but soon I might have to take a leave every now and then due to school shopping and reading a book for a book report, and said book report, blah blah blah. I'm 14 so I'll be a freshmen in high school soon and tbh, I'm terrified. so if i go on another 10 year absence, you know why. Well, that's all soooo.....bye! and don't forget to check out my other stories and my other account.

other account: aloveroftheinternet

QotD: What grade are you in?

AotD: I'm going to 9th grade (freshman)


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