Chapter 3

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If you don't know what Peeta looks like, here's a pic. In the movie, he's played by Josh Hutcherson >>>>>>


Prim's P.O.V.

"Primrose Everdeen!"

I clenched my fists tightly and took small steps to the stage. I realized my shirt tail had come untucked, but I didn't pay any attention to it. All I was thinking about was how I would survive, if no one volunteered for me. I expected Katniss to come up yelling how she would volunteer for me, but she just stood in the- wait. I couldn't find Katniss. I looked around and saw her staring by the fence. I saw her eyes full of tears as she laid down and crawled under and ran.

How could she?

I looked back at Effie and saw her over by the other glass bowl. Instead of shuffling around the names, she quickly picked a slip off the top and scrambled back to the microphone.

"Peeta Mellark!" I stared at the crowd as a blonde haired boy walked out of the 16-year-old section. He looks about as shocked as I feel. He came up to the stage and the mayor, who I didn't realize was there, began reading the Treaty of Treason. I looked back and forth between mom and Peeta, causing myself to start hyper ventalating slightly. I closed my eyes and tried my hardest not to cry.

Deep breath. In, out. In, out.

I managed to calm myself down and as soon as the mayor finished reading the treaty, I turned and shook Peeta's hand and I was immediately escorted into the Justice Building. The guards shoved me in a room and shut the door. I sat on a chair and went through all that happened:

•I just got reaped for the Hunger Games.

•Katniss ran away.

•She most likely went with Gale.

She will probably live with gale in the woods.

•I am in the Hunger Games.

Katniss always talked about running away, but I never thought it would happen. Then, I remembered I hadn't seen him when I did a scan of the crowd. I also remember the coldness in her voice. She must've been trying to hide her emotions about leaving. Just then, the door opened, breaking my thoughts.

"You have 30 minutes." Mom ran in and I embraced her tightly. We hugged almost the whole time. "I saw Katniss running! Why is she leaving?" "Listen to me. Katniss talked about this. She said we were going to make a run for it. She tried to tell you, but the guards were staring at her and she couldn't tell you to run. I'm so sorry."

My eyes filled with tears as the guards came in and told mom to leave. She hugged me an kissed me one last time before hurrying out the door. I hadn't expected any other visitors, but the door opened and mayor's daughter stepped in and rushed over to me. She gave me a quick hug, pinned something on my shirt and ran back out.

I looked down and saw a small bird in a circle, holding an arrow on my shirt. Katniss taught me a little about birds an I knew right away this was a mockingjay. A small tear escaped my eyes and I quickly wiped it away.

~~~~some time later~~~~

The door opened and 2 guards came in and escorted me to a platform behind the Justice Building. A train I'd never seen before was sitting almost entirely still as I was escorted with Peeta close behind me. I mean, I'd seen coal trains, but none like this. There were cameras flashing and reporters trying to get pictures. I kept my face as emotionless as possible as we walked forward towards the platform.

I quickly stepped on the train and stood awkwardly in the corner of the room I was in. When everyone was on the train, it lurched forward and I watched everything I knew back home disappear in a blur of colors.


The Hunger Games: Prim's ReapingWhere stories live. Discover now