Chapter 6

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So excited for mockingjay part 1. My friend and I are going together.....yaaaasssss!!!! Mockingjay book cover>>>>>>>>

Prim's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and for the second time, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. After a minute, I sat up and looked around. Part of me expected to be back home. The other part was sensible and knew where I was. I shuffled out of the covers and walked over to the wardrobe part of the car.

I hit a few buttons and saw different outfits fly by. I saw nice dress in my size and decided to change. After I took off the oversized reaping clothes, I slipped on the light pink dress that went to my knees,  I folded my other outfit, and I went into the bathroom. After looking around, I found what looked like makeup. I never told Katniss, but I owned a little makeup and my friend showed me how to put it on. I put on foundation that matched my skin and some pink eye shadow. Finally, I found some black flats and walked out of the car.

If I was going to die, I might as well look nice and get some sponsors. Right?

When I walked into the dining car, Peeta was still wearing his reaping outfit and Effie looked at me and smiled. "Don't you look nice," she said in that silly Capitol accent. "Well," I said suddenly finding confidence. "If I'm going to fight to the death, I might as well look nice for the Capitol. Ya know? Try to get some sponsors." Effie enlarged her grin even more (if that's possible) and said, "You're right. Good thinking. You could learn something," she said to Peeta.

I gave a small chuckle and went to sit by the windows. "We'll be reaching the Capitol soon, so put on your best smile and wow the crowd," Effie told us. I turned around and kneeled up to see us pull into extreme darkness. A few minutes later, we pulled out of the tunnel and pulled into the Capitol outskirts. I looked over the city skyline and saw the beautiful colors and buildings. I smiled at the breathtaking sight and soon, we pulled into the station.

The people in the Capitol recognize the tribute train an we were surrounded by citizens an reporters alike, all trying to catch a glimpse of us. I smiled and waved to the crowd, trying to keep up a childish appearance. The scared little girl excited to see the Capitol. The people in the Capitol seemed to buy the act, making me relieved that my plan would work.

After a couple of minutes, we were escorted off the train and into a large building. This was the remake center where they scrub off all the dirt from the districts. Little did I know, it hurts. A lot.

~~~inside the remake center~~~

I braced myself as she put another strip on my legs. I gripped the table and the weird worker counted down from 3. "3...2...1..." Riiipppppp!!! I squinted as she pulled the strip off. "Ah, there we are! All done waxing!" I let out a sigh of relief. "Now for the eyebrows... Or eyebrow," she trailed off.

Ugh! I can't believe there's still more of this! This is torture!

I decided to sit up and take a look around. The woman who was torturing me had pale green skin, and bright green hair. She also had gold tattoos along her neatly trimmed eye brows. Despite her green theme, she had pink lipstick on and purple on her nails. "Well, you do have two eyebrows! It seems only a few hairs are out of place. That's an easy fix," she said and I breathed another sigh of relief.

She grabbed what I recognized as tweezers. After a few painful plucks, she put the tweezers down and put some lotion on my legs and face. I stood up and she led me to a hair washing station. She brushed out my hair and put some things in my hair I didn't recognize.

Then she washed it out and dried it. Afterward, she put even more stuff in my hair that apparently didn't need to be washed out. After that, she worked on my nails. She washed all my nails and cleaned them until they literally sparkled. Then she filed them until they were in perfect oval shapes. She did the same to my toes as well as scrubbing my feet and painting my nails pink with little cats on them. "There! Finished! Now, I'll go get Cierra," she trailed off as she walked away.

Whoever this Cierra person is, I hope she's nice. Or at least causes me less pain.


Finished. Long chapter but worth it. Yay..... I love this chapter. I was gonna make it 2, but I had so many ideas to work with, I decided to make it one super update for when I miss 2 weeks of updating. Bye for now,

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