Chapter 9:

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Hello everyone! I fell asleep before I could update last night but here is the fabulous update all of you have been waiting so long for...
Much love,

Prim's P.O.V.

I didn't know what to say. So I said nothing. I just walked in and sat down. There were tears in my eyes and I could see some in Peeta's as well. I made a straight, emotionless face as Katniss served me soup. I quickly ate so I could leave as soon as possible. As they served the main course, I felt a note being pressed into my hand. I looked up and saw Katniss scurrying away. I ate and when they served desert, I excused myself. I ran to my room and opened the note:

I'm sorry we left you. I couldn't take it any more. Gale and I ran during the reaping. Then I heard your name and I saw your shirt tail sticking out and I lost it. I ran away from Gale and out of the woods into the valley. Eventually, Gale found me and tried to pull me into the forest, but I refused to move. I don't know what happened after that, but the next thing I knew, my tongue was gone. I'm sorry we left you, but just know we both love you and we wish you good luck.

~K & G

Somewhere during that letter, I began crying. All I knew was tears were streaming down my face. I came to my senses, wiped my face, and took a shower. After the shower, I changed, folded my clothes, and left them on the end of my bed for one of the avoxes. Then I crawled in bed and drifted to sleep. Somewhere in-between sleep and awake, I heard the door open and my clothes were picked up. The last thing I felt was a pair of lips on my forehead and the door shut softly.

Katniss's P.O.V. (surprise for me not updating XD)

I saw tears in Prim's eyes when she walked in. I felt tears in my eyes and I knew Gale felt the same way. I also looked at the rest of them. The drunk guy, the weird Capitol escort, Effie, I think, and the other tribute. There was a look I couldn't register. Sadness? Anger? Surprise? Somehow, I made it through the meal without bursting into tears. Right before serving desert, I slipped Prim a note. She looked up as I was shuffling away so I wouldn't look suspicious. I saw her look at her hands and excuse herself. She probably went to read the note. A while after Prim left, the others finished eating and dispersed. I went to go check on Prim and found her almost asleep. Since I thought no one was watching, I kissed her head and took her clothes to be washed. After I put them in the wash room, I was confronted by a peace keeper. "You made unnecessary contact with tribute 7412f. Please follow me." I looked for Gale and nodded and he left quietly. He was going to write another note. This one wouldn't be any sweeter than the last.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •.• oh shnap...

I'm sorry if this triggers any feels but...ya know. WRITERS! Were all mad, here (flawless reference!) Make sure you check out my back up account (aloveroftheinternet) and my Instagram that I'm not as active on (_irefuseto_ _sink ((there's 2 underscores and no space XD)) )
That's all my pets. See y'all when I decide to stop being lazy and update!

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