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(this man- i'm so in love-)

𝙫𝙤𝙩𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩!


i smooth out my dress, taking one last look in the mirror, before finally adding the last touch. yurio's necklace.

(this is an example of what you could be wearing luvs 😩 imagine whatever you want if you hate it ofc, but i suggest you make it reddd ;)

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(this is an example of what you could be wearing luvs 😩 imagine whatever you want if you hate it ofc, but i suggest you make it reddd ;)

satisfied with how i look, i check the time on my phone.

8:50! shit i'm so late. i was supposed to be ready by 8:30! why didn't victor and yuuri tell me i was late!

i quickly grab a small hand bag, putting my phone and key card in it, before speeding out the door. 

i send a quick text to victor and yuuri: 'sorry i'm so late guys i lost track of time! i'm heading over now.'

victor responds immediately: 'no worries y/n, we kept ourselves busy ;)'

yuuri frantically texts back: 'IT'S NOT WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE!'

i laugh before responding: 'sure cousin, whatever you say ;)'

victor starts typing again: 'actually y/n, yurio isn't here yet either can you go to his room and drag him out of there? i'm making him come to this banquet whether he likes it or not!'

i respond: 'yeah sure, i would hate to miss another dance battle between yuuri and yurio anyways~'

yuuri responds: 'y/n istg...'

i laugh at our conversation before turning back down the hall.

if i remember correctly yurio's room is just a few down from mine... i'm 528 so i'm pretty sure he's 532.

i make it to his door and stop in front of it, raising my hand to knock.

shit after the award ceremony we all left to get ready... why am i getting nervous again? do i look okay? my hair didn't mess up right? 

ugh fuck it i don't have time for this. we've gotta go to this banquet we're already late enough.

i sigh, how perfect, the two gold medalists running late as hell. lilia is going to kill me...

i finally knock on his door, "yuri? we've gotta go almost everyone is already there, and victor and yuuri are waiting for us!"

the door opens slightly as i knock. did he never close is properly?

i slowly creek it open, not hearing a response.

"yuri! you left your door open so i'm coming in!"

➯ 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐖𝐀𝐍 -〚𝒀𝑶𝑰 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓〛Where stories live. Discover now